Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1978

Communiqué on the meeting of the Political Consultative Com­mittee of the Warsaw Treaty Member States 244 Declaration by the States Members of the Warsaw Treaty .... 246 Declaration by six States Members of the Warsaw Treaty concern­ing the Middle-East situation 262 Telegram by the Presidential Council on the National Day of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania 263 Telegram of congratulation by Hungarian leaders on the National Day of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 263 December Joint communiqué on the official friendly visit to Hungary by Hafez Al-Assad, General Secretary of the Arab Baath Socialist Party and President of the Syrian Arab Republic 264 Address by Valéria, Benke, Member of the Political Bureau of the Committee of the HSWP, to the 9th Congress of the National Peace Council (Excerpts) 266 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by a delegation of the Com­munist Party of Paraguay 271 Joint communiqué on the official friendly visit to Hungary by Mengistu Hailé Mariam, Chairman of the PMAC of Ethiopia 272 Communiqué on the 6 December 1978 meeting of the Central Com­mittee of the HSWP (Excerpts) 275 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by a delegation of the African Independence Party of the Cape Verde Islands 279 Communiqué on the visit by a delegation of the HSWP to the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen 279 III. FACTS AND FIGURES ON THE INTERNATIONAL RELA­TIONS OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC .... 283 Diplomatic and consular relations of the Hungarian People's Republic 285 Summary of Hungary's diplomatic relations as well as diplomatic and other missions 300 Heads of Hungarian missions to international organizations . . . 301 Military and Air Attachés (Assistant Military and Air Attachés) of the diplomatic missions of the Hungarian People's Republic . . 301 Commercial Counsellors of the diplomatic missions of the Hun­garian People's Republic, Heads of trade representations and trade offices * 304 Diplomatic representatives accredited in Hungary 311 Membership of the Hungarian People's Republic in international organizations 323

