Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1975

Statement by János Kádár, First Secretary of the Central Commi­ttee of the HSWP and Head of the Hungarian delegation, at the final stage of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe 144 August Stand by the Hungarian Government concerning the mid-term review of the Disarmament Decade (with reference to Genaral Assembly resolution 3261/A/XXIX) 148 Statement by János Kádár to the Hungarian Television on the re­turn of the Hungarian delegation to the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe 150 Statement by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly on the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe 154 Constitution-Day address by Pál Losonczi, President of the Presi­dential Council, on 20 August 155 September Statement by József Marjai, Secretary of State of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, at the 7th special session of the United Nations General Assembly 156 Statement by the Central Council of the Hungarian Trade Unions concerning support to the struggle of the Chilean people . , . 161 Stand by the National Peace Council on the situation in Portugal 162 Stand by the Hungarian Association for the United Nations on the admission of the two Viet-Namese States to membership in the United Nations 162 Stand by the Hungarian Association for the United Nations on the white terror in Chile 163 Stand by the Hungarian Association for the United Nations concer­ning the terror trials of Spanish patriots 164 Statement by György Lázár, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, at the autumn session of the National Assembly 165 Statement by Foreign Minister Frigyes Pu ja at the autumn session of the National Assembly 166 Joint Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, President of the Republic of India 172

