Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1975

CONTENTS I. CHRONICLE OF EVENTS IN THE INTERNATIONAL RELA­TIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY ACTIVITIES OF THE HUN­GARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC 1 Mutual High-level visits 38 Establishment of diplomatic relations between the Hungarian People's Republic and other states in 1975 47 Presentation of Ambassadors' credentials in 1975 47 Participation of Hungary in conferences held under the auspices of the united nations and its specialized agencies in 1975 ... 50 Participation of Hungary in congresses and conferences of inter­national organizations outside the united Nations family in 1975 58 II. DOCUMENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY ACTIVITIES OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC 65 January Joint Communiqué on the visit to Yugoslavia by Foreign Minister Frigyes Puja 67 Communiqué on the 70th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance 68 Statement by the Presidium of the National Peace Council on the Middle-East situation 70 February Joint Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Foreign Minister Stefan Olszowski of Poland 71 Statement by the Hungarian Government on the crisis in Cyprus 73 Statement by the Hungarian Solidarity Committee on the illegal acts in Argentina 74 Cable of protest by the Hungarian Lawyers' Association to the Democratic Lawyers' Association of Argentina 74 Joint Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Federal Foreign Minister Erich Bielka of Austria 74 Stand by the National Peace Council and the Hungarian Association for the United Nations concerning the crisis in Cyprus .... 75

