Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1974

November Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Dr. Carlos P. Romulo, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines 168 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by a delegation of the Com­munist Party of Finland 170 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by a delegation of the British Trades Union Congress 171 Communiqué on the November 20, 1974 meeting of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (Excerpts) 173 Communiqué on the official visit by Prime Minister Jenő Fock to India 176 Joint communiqué on the visit by Prime Minister Jenő Fock to Burma 180 December Communiqué on the December 5, 1974 meeting of the Central Com­mittee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (Excerpts) Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Adam Malik, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia 182 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Petr Mladenov, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of Bulgaria ... 184 Communiqué on the Budapest consultative meeting of the confe­rence of the European Communist and Workers' Parties .... 185 Directives of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party for the lHh congress of the Party (Excerpts) 187 III. FACTS AND FIGURES ON THE INTERNATIONAL RELA­TIONS OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC 192 Diplomatic and consular relations of the Hungarian People's Republic 193 Summary of Hungary's diplomatic relations as well as diplomatic and other missions 204 Hungarian missions to international organizations 204 Commercial Counsellors of the diplomatic missions of the Hungarian People's Republic, heads of trade representations and trade offices 205 Military and Air Attachés (assistant military and air attachés) of the diplomatic missions of the Hungarian People's Republic 211 Cultural institutions of the Hungarian People's Republic .... 214

