Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1973

People's Republic by the Party and Government delegation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam 117 Joint communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Pierre Messmer, Prime Minister of the French Republic 121 Communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Kurt Waldheim, Secre­tary-General of the United Nations 122 Communiqué on the friendly meeting of the party leaders of the socialist countries 123 August Communiqué on the talks of Prime Minister Jenő Fock, member of the Political Committee of the HSWP with Alexei Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union and member of the Political Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union held in Moscow 127 Communiqué on the visit to Poland by Prime Minister Jenő Fock, member of the Political Committee of the HSWP 127 September Communiqué on the visit to Poland by Foreign Minister János Péter 129 Stand by the Presidium of the National Peace Council on the mili­tary coup d'état in Chile 131 Statement by the Central Committee of the Hungarian Communist Youth League and the Office of the World Federation of De­mocratic Youth on the counter-revolutionary coup d'état in Chile 132 Statement by Deputy Prime Minister Lajos Fehér on the counter­revolutionary coup d'état in Chile 132 Stand by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly on the counter-revolutionary coup d'état in Chile 133 Statement by the National Council of the Patriotic People's Front and the Hungarian Solidarity Committee on the counter-revolu­tionary coup d'état in Chile . . .

