Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1972
Joint communiqué on the visit to the Hungarian People's Republic by U Ne Win, Chairman of the Revolutionary Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Burma 161 Statement of the Paris Conference of the European Communist and Workers' Parties 163 August Joint communiqué on the visit to Hungary by Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmed Djaber, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait ... 165 September Statement by Deputy Prime Minister Péter Vályi on his talks with Iosif Banc, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Rumanian Communist Party 166 Before the decisive stage Article written by Foreign Minister János Péter on the questions of security in Europe 167 Opening speech by Zoltán Szépvölgyi, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Budapest City Council at the meeting of the mayors of European capitals held in Budapest 171 Statement of the leaders of 29 European capitals on the Budapest meeting 174 October Communiqué on the conference of the Ministers of Justice of the socialist countries 175 Statement by Dr. Endre Sik, President of the Hungarian Peace Council on the period of the General Assembly of the United Nations 175 Speech by Foreign Minister János Péter in the General Assembly of the United Nations (Excerpt) 176 Communiqué on the Moscow meeting of the Executive Committee of the COMECON 179 Statement by Péter Vályi, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers to the Népszabadság on the 60th meeting of the COMECON 180