Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1969

CONTENTS I. CHRONICLE OF EVENTS IN THE INTERNATIONAL RELA­TIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY ACTIVITIES OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC 47 II. DOCUMENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY ACTIVITIES OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC 75 January New Year's statement on the preparation of the international conference of Communist and Workers' parties, made to „Társadalmi Szemle" by Zoltán Komócsin, member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP and secretary of the Central Committee 77 Speech by Sándor Gáspár, member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP and Secretary-General of the Central Council of Trade Unions, at the Cairo congress of Arab trade unions (Excerpts) 78 February Statement on the 1968 results of the economy, made to the Press by Foreign Trade Minister Dr. József Biró (Excerpts) 79 Communiqué on the visit to Moscow by János Kádár, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the HSWP 86 Statement by János Kádár, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the HSWP, on his visit to Moscow 87 Speech by Rezső Nyers, member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP and secretary of the Central Committee, at the 12th Congress of the Italian Communist Party (Excerpts) 88 Lecture by Dr. Mátyás Timár, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Mi­nisters, for members of the diplomatic missions in Budapest (Excerpts) ... 90 Speech by Antal Apró, member of the Political Bureau of the HSWP and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, at the conference of the Ministers of Home Trade of the CMEA countries (Excerpts) 93 Speech by István Szurdi, Minister of Home Trade, at the conf erenceof he Ministers of Home Trade of the CMEA countries (Excerpts) 94

