Hungarian Studies Newsletter, 1973 (1. évfolyam, 1-2. szám)
1973 / 1. szám
HUNGARIAN STUDIES NEWSLETTER Vol. 1, No. 1 Spring 1973 published three times a year by the HUNGARIAN RESEARCH CENTER Subscription: $3.00 per annum. Single copy: $1.00 Communications concerning content should be sent to Dr. Bela C. Maday, Editor 4528-49th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20016 Subscriptions and communications concerning circulation should be mailed to the Hungarian Research Center American Hungarian Studies Foundation P.O. Box 1084, New Brunswick, N.J. 08903 BOOKS Bako, Elemer. GUIDE TO HUNGARIAN STUDIES. Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1973. 1218 pages, $35.00. This is a bibliography of diversified materials and is intended to provide a practical tool for the English reader, particularly scholars and college students. It includes books, journals, pamphlets, scholarly and popular articles, reviews, reports, maps, and music, published in a number of languages, including Hungarian, English, French, German, and Latin. An introduction provides an overview of Hungarian history, and a chronology covers the entire scope of the history of Hungary from the 4th millenium B.C. to 1965. An index of personal names, and index of periodicals and serials, and extensive cross-references are included. Standard research tools are incorporated, such as general and special bibliographies, handbooks, directories, encyclopedia and dictionaries, trade lists, indexes and catalogues, popular and scholarly works, collections of documents, monographs, surveys, reports and reviews, serialized publications, audio-visual aids, facimile or microfilmed editions, and typed and mimeographed works. Braham, Randolph L. EDUCATION IN THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970. 227 pp. 48 tables, 3 charts, 1 map, bibliography. $1.25. Paperback. This is one in the series of reports the Office of Education has been publishing on education in countries outside the United States. It contains a comprehensive study of all major levels and types of education in the Hungarian educational system of the late 1960's. Chapters include topics such as historical and educational background to the present system, pre-elementary education, elementary and secondary education, vocational and technical education, higher education, teachers and teacher education, special types of education, and youth and sport organizations. The author is Professor of Education at the City College of the City University of New York, and has authored two similar studies in the past: Education in the Rumanian People's Republic (1963), and Israel: A Modern Education System (1966). Dienes, István. THE HUNGARIANS CROSS THE CARPATHIANS. Budapest: Corvina Press, 1972. 94 pp. plus 73 plates. 60.00 forints. Paperback. Archaeologist Dienes presents, a balanced picture of the Hungarians in the 10th century, based on a variety of contemporary sources and archaeological finds. Dienes uses a cultural-historical approach discussing social organization, the belief system, art, interaction with other European peoples, and tries to present archaeological evidence to support his hypotheses. Chapter topics: From the banks of the Volga to the Carpathian Basin; Hugarian society in the Conquest period; The family and village community; The clan, the tribe, and the kingdom; Agriculture and everyday life; Tents, houses, and those who lived in them; Workshops and market-places beneath the castle walls; Subjects and royal servants; Animism, shamanism, and religion; Sabretache plates, discs, and their art; and a chronological table as well as a list of recommended readings. The book is illustrated with 27 figures, including tables showing social structure in the Conquest period as compared to the social structure in the early Hungarian kingdom. Two maps show the migration of Hungarians, Arabs, and Normans during the 9th, 10th, and 11th centuries. The appendix contains 73 black and white plates on Hungarian art objects. The book is the third publication in the publisher's "Hereditas" series, which include Nándor Kalicz' Clay Gods, on the Neolithic Period and Copper Age in Hungary; and Miklós Szabó's The Celtic Heritage in Hungary. In preparation is István Bona's The Dawn of the Dark Ages, on the Gepids and the Lombards in the Carpathian Basin. Ignotus, Paul. HUNGARY. New York: Praeger, 1972. 333 pp. Bibliography. $11.50. In this account of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Hungary, the author describes the War of Freedom of 1848—49, and emphasizes the importance of the Reform Generation of poets and thinkers. He also discusses the second Reform Generation of the 1900's. He then writes about the inter-war period, Horthy, his role in Hungarian history, and the gradual takeover of pro-Nazi elements. He deals with the turmoil in the Writers' Union during the critical years of 1953-57 which triggered the Revolution of 1956. In the evaluation of the post-1956 period he feels that Kádár has achieved for Hungary a place in the Soviet Bloc. Reviews in Choice, 9:706, July-August 1972; in The New Statesman, 84:95, July 21, 1972; and in the New York Times Literary Supplement, p. 210, February 25, 1972. DISSERTATIONS Esztergar, Marianne. (U. of California, San Diego, 1971)"A Generative Phonology of Nouns and Vowel Harmony in Hungarian." 139 pages. Microfilm and xerox order no. 72-7,591.* The study deals with (1) the treatment of vowel harmony in generative phonology, and (2) with the notion of exceptions in general, and the treatment of the so-called alternating (irregular) nouns in Hungarian in particular. (Continued on page 3) 2