Hungarian Heritage Review, 1987 (16. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1987-08-01 / 8. szám

Illlllllll Make a Summer Salad or High Energy Sport Drink with Tomsun TOFU mimiimmimiimmimiiMmimmiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiirnm 115 * Tomsun tofu I SAVE 15* i On one package of 16-ounce Super* Firm, Firm and Soft Tofu and 10-ounce Herb and Spice Tofu TO THE DEALER Foi each coupon you accept as our authorised agent, we will pav you the lace value ol this coupon plus He handling allowance, provided you and your cus­tomer have complied wilh Ihe terms ol this oiler Any other application constitutes fraud In­voices showing your purchase o! sufficient stock to cover all coupons must he shown upon request Customer must pay lax where d pre­vails Void it prohibited, taxed or restricted Cash value 1/20 ol t cent This coupon may he re­deemed by mailing to TOMSUN Coufions. Box 10S0 Greenlield. MA 01302 LIMIT One coupon per purchase. COUPON EXPIRES: MARCH 1. 1988 _ 15*1 iriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiííimiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiIL HIGH ENERGY SPORTS DRINK Makes 2 8 oz. Drinks 8 oz. Tomsun Soft Tofu, drained 2 ripe peaches (canned peaches) or 1/2 pt. ripe strawberries 2 ripe bananas 2 T. honey, or Non-Nutritive Sweetner 1-1/4 cups orange juice 1 t. vanilla 1 T. Fruit Fresh (to maintain color) 1/4 cup crushed ice (optional) Break bananas and peaches into several pieces, crumble tofu and place in a food processor. Add honey and Fruit Fresh, ice and whip. While machine is still on, pour in juice and vanilla and continue to whip until smooth. Keep unused drink refrigerated in a closed container. Conceit “I’m so handsome it’s a crime.” True Happiness “How was your honeymoon?” “Unforgettable. I finally got a good night’s sleep.” At the Police “Why did you steal?” “It was a matter of honor. I had to pay back a personal loan.” Choice “Mom, is it money you want, or should I just think of you with love?” A Good Soul “Why are you so sad?” “I killed a fly back in ’71 , and I still can’t get over it.” Calendar Note Wednesday a week: mustn’t forget to kiss my wife. JMtmgartan Jäumar Women “What is your boyfriend like?” “He eats his chicken soup with a fork. But I can’t very well stay single forever." Honesty “You can't imagine how bad I feel about not having anyone to insult all week.” Warning “You should’ve given the waiter a big­ger tip, dear. He’s my husband.” Circumspection “I want to get to know Eugene better before I say no to him.” Calling to Account “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself embezzling twenty thousand a month and bringing only eight hundred home to your family?” Complement “You’re so attractive, why don’t you enter a beauty contest?” “I haven't got the time. Maybe after I retire.” Sub-let "You can have the room cheap. Just promise never to leave me alone with my wife.” Complaint "My ex-husband is a magician, he could pull our child support out of a hat, if he wanted to. But he doesn't.” Farewell The poet said farewell to life in a touching lyrical poem, then went to his neighborhood church and got married. Self-Respect “I refuse to be number three among your eight lovers!" AUGUST 1987 HUNGARIAN HERITAGE REVIEW 33

