Hungarian Heritage Review, 1986 (15. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1986-07-01 / 7. szám

JULY 1986 HUNGARIAN HERITAGE REVIEW 25 (Euitnarjj J\,rt of JO ETUAGYAT A FEW RECIPES FOR SWEETS AND PASTRIES EDITOR’S NOTE: These recipes are from the “Hungarhotels” Hotel and Restaurant Company of Budapest, Hungary, and their “100 Recipes and 1 Idea from Hungary” booklet. Potato Gnocchi With Poppy Seed Ingredients: 800 g boiled potatoes passed through a sieve, 250 g flour, an egg, 150 g lard, salt, 100 g poppy seed, 100 g castor sugar. Mix the warm, sieved potatoes well with flour, egg, a little lard and salt. Roll out into strips the thickness of the little finger, cut into pieces 1 cm long and roll under the palm on a floured board. Boil in salted water, strain, allow to drain and mix with lard. Place in the oven to heat well. Before serving, sprinkle with ground poppy seed mixed with sugar. These noodles may also be served with walnuts, breadcrumbs fried lightly in butter or grated cheese. Boiled Pasta with Walnuts Ingredients: 500 g flour, an egg, 50 g margarine or butter, 100 g walnuts, 100 g castor sugar, salt. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PASTA: Sift the flour into a heap on the board. Make a hollow in the centre and break the egg into this, add salt and sufficient water to give a dough that is neither too soft nor too stiff. Mix well and knead to a smooth dough. Divide the dough into small lumps and knead these again. Spread the top of these lumps with lard, cover with a clean cloth and leave to stand for 10—15 minutes. Roll out on a floured board; the thickness depends on whether the pasta is to be used for turoscsusza, jam pockets, boiled pasta or in soup. For boiled pasta with walnuts, cut into strips the thickness of a mat­chstick, spread out and leave to stand for a while. Boil in a generous quantity of slightly salted water then strain, rinse and mix cautiously with heated margarine or butter. Serve sprinkled with ground walnuts mixed with castor sugar. Boiled Pasta with Cabbage Ingredients: 500 g flour, 100 g lard, 2 eggs, 1 kg cabbage, salt, pepper, sugar. Make a pasta with two eggs (see under Boiled Pasta with Walnuts), roll out thinly and cut into squares. Grate the cabbage, sprinkle with salt and allow to stand for 10—15 minutes then squeeze out any liquid. Lightly brown the sugar in hot lard, add the grated cabbage and saute until brown, stirring continually. Mix with the boiled pasta, season with ground pep­per and serve hot. Szentgyorgyi Pancakes Ingredients: FOR THE PANCAKES: 250 g flour, an egg, 20 cl milk, 20 cl soda water, 20 cl cooking oil, 20 cl sugar, salt. FOR THE RUM AND ALMOND CREAM: 150 g almonds, 10 cl milk, 150 g sugar, 10 g castor sugar flavoured with vanilla, 10 cl rum. FOR THE EGG CREAM: 20 cl cream, the yolks of 3 eggs, 100 g sugar, 20 cl castor sugar flavoured with vanilla, 50 g butter. Prepare a batter of medium consistency from the flour, eggs, sugar, salt, milk and soda water. The whites of the eggs may also be beaten to mix into the batter. Pour a little oil into the frying pan, heat and then pour a small ladle of batter into the pan. Allow the batter to spread out evenly. When it is done on one-side, turn and fry to a golden colour on the other side too. Boil the peeled, ground and roasted almonds, the rum, milk, sugar and vanilla-flavoured castor sugar together briefly to make a cream. Spread this cream on the pancakes and roll them up. Cut the rolled up pancakes into slices approx. 2 cm wide and arrange in a greased fireproof glass dish. Mix a cream from the beaten egg-yolks, the cream, the vanilla­­flavoured castor sugar and butter, heat and pour over the pancake rolls. Bake in an oven for around 10 minutes, beat the egg-whites still with the castor sugar and spread on the top. Return to the oven to dry briefly and serve hot. Hatszegi Pancakes Ingredients: FOR THE PANCAKES: 250 g flour, an egg, 20 cl milk, 20 cl soda water, 20 cl cooking oil, 20 g sugar, salt. FOR THE CURD CHEESE FILLING: 200 g curd cheese, the yolks of 2 eggs, 150 g castor sugar, 20 g castor sugar flavoured with vanilla, 50 g currants, grated lemon rind. FOR THE CREAM: 20 cl sour cream, the yolks of 3 eggs, the whites of 5 eggs, 50 g butter, 50 g sugar. Make the pancakes in the manner described (see under Szentgyorgyi Pancakes). Pass the curd cheese through a sieve, mix with the egg yolks, castor sugar, grated lemon rind, vanilla-flavoured castor sugar and the currants and spread on the pancakes. Fold the pancakes in four and place in a greased, fireproof dish. Mix the sour cream with the egg yolks, sugar and butter, finally folding in the stiffly beaten egg-whites and pour over the pancakes. Bake in an oven at 150° C for 5—10 minutes, dredge with vanilla-flavoured castor sugar and serve.

