Hidrológiai Közlöny, 2020 (100. évfolyam)

2020 / 1. szám

2 Hidrológiai Közlöny 2020. 100. évf. 1. sz. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology Journal of the Hungarian Hydrological Society Published quarterly Editor-in-Chief János Fehér Assistant Editors Éva ÁCS Károly KONECSNY László Nagy Copy Editor Lajos SZLÁVIK Editorial Board Chairman András Szöllősi-Nagy Editorial Board Members Éva Ács, Péter Bakonyi, Gábor Baranyai, Péter Bíró, Tibor Bíró, János BOGÁRDI, Csaba Bozán, Géza CSÖRNYEI, Zsuzsanna Engi, János Fehér, László Fejér, Tamás Gampel, József Gayer, Géza Hajnal, Márk Honti, István Ijjas, János JÓZSA, Zsuzsanna KerekesnÉ Steindl, Zoltán Kling, Károly Konecsny, Kálmán Kőris, Sándor Kovács, László Kun, István Licskó, Ve­ronika Major, Zoltán Melicz, László Nagy, Judit Rákosi, István Rátky, Pál Román, Ferenc Szilágyi, Lajos Szlávik, Péter Szűcs, János Tamás, Gábor Ungvári Publisher Hungarian Hydrological Society H-1091 Budapest, Üllői út 25., Hungary Phone: +3ÓU >201-7655; Fax: +36{1 >202-7244; Email: titkarsag@hidrologia.hu Web: www.hidrologia.hu Represented by: Lajos Szlávik, President of the Hungarian Hydrological Society Email: titkarsag@hidrologia.hu Advertising Tamás Gampel, Secretary General of the Hungarian Hydrological Society H-1091 Budapest, Üllői út 25., Hungary Phone: +36> 1 >201 -7655. Fax:+36{l>2Q2-7244 Email: fotitkar@hidrologia.hu Indexed in Appl. Mech.; Rew. Chem.; Abstr. Flu­­idex;. Geotechn. Abstr.; Meteor / Geo­­astrophys. Abstr. Sei.; Water Res. Abstr. Index: 25374 HU ISSN 0018-1323 Contents János FEHÉR: Foreword ..................................................................3 SCIENTIFIC PAPERS Kristóf DOBÓ, Benedek GÖNCZ, Krisztina IVÁNYI: National status of flood and inland water management in Hungary........................................................................................5 Lajos SZLÁVIK: Flood disaster at the Tisza-Szamos interval occurred 50 years ago ..............................................................20 Endre JUHÁSZ: Review of the development of sewerage systems .......................................................................................30 János Ede SZILÁGYI, Endre DOBOS, Péter SZŰCS: Hydrogeological, soil and legal aspects of landscape-orien­tated and land-use-orientated water management - Invitation to develop a landscape-orientated and land-use-based water management concept..........................41 András KOVÁCS, László NAGY, Anna BEGIDSÁN: Multielectrode geoelectric investigation of a cracked dike .. 54 Gergely BENKŐ, Sándor BARANYA, Gergely TÖRÖK, Bence MOLNÁR: Analysis of river bed material composition with Deep Learning based on drone video footages...........................................................................61 Endre CSISZÁR: Challenges in the operation of the Tass-Gudmon-fok bank-filtered regional water source.................70 Roland MESITA, Bálint NÉMETH, Anikó ZSENI: Investigation of bacterial compositions in the drinking water microbiome located in the North-western region of Hungary using API tests...........................................................80 FORUM Recommendations of the Water Supply and Sewerage Committee of the Water Resources Management Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on possible directions for the development of municipal rainwater management..............................................................88 OBITUARY Dr. Géza JOLÁNKAI - Commemoration by Zsolt JOLÁNKA1 . 90 HISTORICAL SNAPSHOT Dénes DOROSZLAI: The ice flood of the Danube destroyed the Csillaghegyi bay in 1945 .................................................. 90

