Hidrológiai Közlöny, 2016 (96. évfolyam)

2016 / 3. szám - HISTORICAL SNAPSHOT - Borics Gábor - Ács Éva - Boda Pál - Boros Emil - Erős Tibor - Grigorszky István - Kiss Keve Tihamér - Lengyel Szabolcs - Reskóné Nagy Mária - Somogyi Boglárka - Vörös Lajos: Water bodies in Hungary - an overview of their management and present state

G Borics et al: Water bodies in Hungary - an overview of their management and present state 67 Reskóné, N. M. (1999). A Velencei tó mai arculata és vízminősége. (The present aspect and water quality of Lake Velencei)- Acta Biol. Debr. Occol. Hung. 9: 175- 182. Reskóné N. M., Törökné K. A. (2000). Toxic Micro­cystis aeruginosa in Lake Velencei. - Environmental Toxicology 15: 554-557. Reskóné, N. M., Ponyi, J., Szító, A., Kiss, G, Acs, E. and Borsodi, A. (2001). A Velencei-tó biológiai állapota. (The biological state of Lake Velencei) - Hidrológiai Közlöny 81: 448-452. Specziár, A. and Erős, T. (2015). Freshwater resources THEAUTHORS GÁBOR BORICS PhD, Senior researcher of the Danube Research Institute (DRI) MTA Centre for Ecological Research, Head of the Tisza River Department. His research focuses on phytoplankton ecology and ecological state assessment of lakes and rivers. ÉVA ÁCS Dsc, Scientific advisor of the Da­nube Research Institute (DRI) MTA Centre for Ecological Research; Head of the Department of Hydro- and Plant Ecology. Her research field concerns the study of benthic algae in lakes and rivers; taxonomy of benthic and planktonic diatoms; diatom-based ecological state assess­ment. PÁL BODA PhD, Research fellow of the DRI MTA Centre for Eco­logical Research, Tisza river Department. His research focuses on dispersal of aquatic insects and quality assessment of rivers based on aquatic macroinvertebrates. EMIL BOROS PhD, Research fellow and team leader of Nutrient Cycling Research Group of the Balaton Limnological Institute (BLI) MTA Centre for Ecological Research. His research focuses on environ­mental conditions, water bird communities and nature conservation of the Eurasian soda and salt lakes/wetlands. TIBOR ERŐS PhD, Senior researcher at the Balaton Limnological Institute MTA Centre for Ecological Research. His research focuses on freshwater fish ecology, community ecology and environmental moni­toring and assessment. and fisheries in Hungary. In: Craig, 2 John F. (ed.) Freshwater Fisheries Ecology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2015. pp. 196-200. Vörös, L., B. Somogyi and E. Boros (2008). Birds cause net heterotrophy in shallow lakes. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54: (Suppl. 1) 23- 34. Wolfram, G, L. Déri & S. Zech (Eds) (2014). Fertő tó Stratégiai tanulmány: 1. fázis (Tanulmány a Magyar- Osztrák Vízügyi bizottság megbízásából) Bécs, Szom­bathely, 250 p. (Strategic Riport on the Lake Fertő; 1. phase). ISTVÁN GRIGORSZKY PhD, Associate professor of the Department of Hydrobiology of University of Debrecen and researcher of the Da­nube Research Institute of Centre for Ecological Research. His research focuses on phytoplankton ecology and Dinophyta species taxonomy, ecology of various standing water and river types KEVE TIHAMÉR KISS Dsc, Professor emeritus of the Danube Research Institute (DRI) MTA Centre for Ecological Research. His research field concerns the taxonomy and ecology of algae in the River Danube; short- and long-term changes of phytoplankton and ultrastruc­ture of centric diatoms. SZABOLCS LENGYEL Dsc, Scientific advisor of the DRI MTA Centre for Ecological Research Tisza river Department. His research focuses on various aspects of ecology: e.g. evolutionary, behavioural and restoration ecology, including higher plants and animals. MÁRIA RESKÓNÉ NAGY PhD, Expert of the KVI-PLUSZ; Office for Environmental Testing Limited Liability Company. Her research field concerns the microbiology of lake ecosystems and quality assur­ance of environmental laboratories. BOGLÁRKA SOMOGYI PhD, Research fellow of the Balaton Lim­nological Institute (BLI) MTA Centre for Ecological Research. Her research field includes the study of dynamics of photoautotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms in surface waters. LAJOS VÖRÖS Dsc, Professor emeritus of the Balaton Limnological Institute (BLI) MTA Centre for Ecological Research. His research focuses on the ecology of planktonic algae and microbial communities in lakes and rivers.

