Hidrológiai Közlöny 1971 (51. évfolyam)
1. szám - Dr. Bogárdi János: Elnöki megnyitó
HIDROLOGIAI KÖZLÖNY 51. ÉVFOLYAM 1. SZÁM 1—64. oldal Budapest, 1971. január Presidential address Dr. B0GÁ5DI, JÁNOS Corresponding member of the Hungárián Academy of Sciences, President of the Committee on Scientific Water Management, Hungárián Academy of Sciences, Professor of Hydraulic Engineering SPÉCI A L NUMBER 2ND CONFERENCE ON WATER QUALITY AND TECHNOLOGY 19—24, OCTOBER, 1970, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY lt was with great pleasure that I accepted the invitation to open the sessions of the 2nd C011ference on Water Qtiality and Technology, organised jolntly by the Hungárián Academy of Sciences, the Hungárián Hydrological Society and the National Water Authority. I have the honour of welcoming Dr. Coloman Megay, President of the International Water Supply Association, the members of the presidium, our guests attending the Conference from abroad and all Hungárián participants. The present meeting of the experts on problenis related to water supply is followed with great interest by the Section of Technical Sciences of the Hungárián Academy of Sciences. During the past decades many theoretical problems in hydromechanics, hydraulics, chemistry, colloiclics, biochemistry and other fields related to water supply have been cleared successfully. Together with this development a rapidly growing demand has become apparent, especially in recent times, for a better understanding of the details of phenomena taking place under natural, or artificial conditions, as well as for the dissemination of operating experiences. It is obvious that advances in theoretical and practical knowledge will inevitably result in mutual interaction between them and thus in the further sound development of approach and design philosophy. I am convinced that this objective has been among the originál aims of the present Conference. I trust that the participants of the Conference, who are all recognized authorities in their fields, will discuss the problems associated with water quality and technology with the thoroughness and circumspection they usually exercise, so that the conclusions arrived at by the Conference will be of benefit to all engaged with theoretical, design, or operating problems of water supply. It is with these ideas in mind that I have the honour of opening the sessions of the 2nd Conference on Water Quality and Technology which, I hope, will prove successful to all.