Hidrológiai Közlöny 1969 (49. évfolyam)

8. szám - Dr. Juhász József: A gát alatti szivárgás néhány esete

350 Hidrológiai Közlöny 1969. 8. sz. Dr. Juhász J.: A gát alatti szivárgás IRODALOM [1] Agroszkin I. I., Dimitrijev G. T., Pikalov F. J.: Hidraulika. Budapest, 1952. [2] Aravin V. J.: Síkbeli szivárgás számítása ós modelle­zése. Moszkva—Leningrád, 1963. [3] Aravin, V. J., Numerov Sz. N.: Vízépítési létesít­mények szivárgási számítása. Moszkva, 1955. [4] Babuskin V. D.: Hidrológiai számítási módszerek heterogén talajok feltételezése mellett. Bull. Nau­csno Techn. Inf. Gosz. Geol. Kom. Sz. Sz. Sz. R. 1963. 2/46. [5] Dachler R.: Grundwasserströmung, Wien, 1963. [6] Davis C. K.: Handbook of Applies Hydraulies. New York—London, 1942. [7] Galli László: Műtárgyak alatti szivárgások számí­tása rétegezett talajokban, közelítő eljárással. Vizügyi Közi. 1959/3. [8] Jaeger A.: Technisehe Hydraulik, Basel, 1949. [9] Juhász József: Töltés alatti szivárgás vizsgálata vastag vízvezető réteg esetén. Hidr. Közlöny 1968. 8. sz. [10] Kamenszkij G. N., Korcsebokov H. A., Razin K. 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IlpH C03flaHHH pacMeraoro cnocoőa HCXOAHJIH H3 TaKoro CTpe.MjieHiiH, qTo6bi Hy>KH0 öbijio npHMeHHTb no MeHbuie cxe.MaTH3anHH H no BO3MO>KHOCTII Jiyquie npHcnocoBjiH­B3TbCH K npiipoae. B UejlHX 3TOrO eCTb B03M0>KH0CTb Ha paccMOTpeHiie 14 He3aBHCHMbix nepeMeHHbix B cjiyiae Ofl­HOTO BOFLOHOCHORO CJIOH. ripn MHOWECTBE iHCJia nepeMeH­Hbix MM eTpeMHjTHeb K ynpomeHHio H ycKopeHHio pacte­TOB, NOSTOMY Ha 60JIBUIHHCTB0 BonpocoB pa3pa6oTajui OT­BeT c noMombio rpacfiHKOB. PHC. 3 H 4 AaioT tj)HJibTpauHOH­Hbifi pacxoa AJIH cjiyqaa BOflOHOCHoro CJIOH öojibmoH MOIH­HOCTH, puc. 7 YMHTBIBAER pacxoa, YTO«iHeHHbiH c K03(J)(J)H­UiieHT0M-n0npaBK0H, puc. 5 h 6 ytHTbiBaiOT 30Hy <j)HJibT­pamiii H iiH(|)n.TbTpanHH, puc. 13 flacT BbicoTy Hanopa y nOflHO)KH5I JiaMÓbl, B HH30B0ÍÍ njlOCKOCTH nOKpOBHOrO CJ10JI 3aiUHUjeHHOH CTOpOHbl, npH 3HaieHHH A = 1 II 3, 3HaqHT B c.'iyMae H30T0nmi H ami30TponHH. Ilpn B3ÍITIIH 3HaMeHiiji A = 3 pyKOBOflCTBOBajiHCh c TeM, MToSbi y^ecTb Hanöojiee MacTo BCTpeMaiomyiocH aHiisoTponnio. PacieTHbiH cnocoö BbiroaeH AJIH pac^eTa (JnuibTpyio­merocH pacxoAa n B cjiytae necKOjibKO BQflOHocHbix njia­CTOB. B 3TOM cjiy^ae paöOTa öojiee npoaoJi>KHTeJibHaH B pyMHyio, HO npii noMomH MauiHHbi TpeÓyeT Majio BpeMemi. fljiíi ii3o6pa>KeHHH pacieTHbix pe3yjibTaT0B Ha puc. 9., 10., 11., 12. noKa3biBaioTCji HeKOTOpbie npiiMepbi. ripeHMymecTBOM ziaHHoro cnocoöa npoTHB .ztpyrux pac­MeTHblX CnOCOÖOB HBJlHeTCH TO, 1TO M0>KeT yieCTb H pojlb pycejl H K0TJ10B3H0B, HaXOflflmHXCH Ha CTOpOHe BOflbl. PacneT B TaKOM cjiy^ae MOJKCT öbiTb npoBe/ieH 3(J)(J)EKTHBH0 npH nOMOIHH BbmHCJIHTejIbHOH TeXHHKH, XOTH B HeKOTO­pbix cjiytaflx MO>KHO aocTiim, pe3yjibTaTi,i H npn noMomii pyiiHbix oöpaöoTOK. HeKOTOpue npHMepw pacxo,noB, no­jiyqeHHbix B pe3yjibTaTe pacweTOB noKa3biBaioTCH Ha puc. 17 H 18, a 3HawenHH HanopoB noKa3biBaioTCH Ha puc. 16. McCJieflOBaHHHMH XOpOLUO n0Ka30 TO, »IT0 B 3aBHCHM0CTH OT UIHPHHBI pycjia HJIH >Ke KOTJiOBana, OT nponycKaromeil CnOCOÖHOCTH nOKpOBHOrO H BOflOHOCHOTO CJIOH, a T3K>Ke OT MOIHHOCTH BOflOHOCHOrO CJTOH Ha KaKOe paCCTOHHHe fleil­CTByeT BjiHHHHe Bjia>KHOH CTopoHbi, BepHee rjie HBJIHCTCH 3HaMHTejll,HbIM. B KOHiie CTaTbH cpaBHHBaioTCíi (pnc. 19) í>acMeTHbie cnocoöw c oöbiqHO npuHHTbiMH pacqeTHbiMH cnocoSaMH H M0>KH0 CKa3aTb, HTO HAHŐO^EE TOHHIJÍÍ H3 HHX flaCT TaKHe pe3yjibTaTbi, i<ai< H cnocoö IlaBHOBCKOro, B TÓM cneunajib­HOM cjiyiae, Koraa MoweT NPHHÍIT cnocoő IlaBJiOBCKoro. Coníribution to the computation of seepage undcr embankments By Dr. J. Juhász eandidate of the Teehnical Sciences The method described is suitable for the theoretical determination of the seepage discharge, the hydraulic gradient and the widths Tj and T 2 through which prac­tically the full seepage entry and exit without intercep­tion take place, if underseepage occurs in a pervious layer of great thiekness underlying an impervious em­bankment. During the development of the method an attempt has been made to avoid as far as possible the necessity of simplification, and thus to comply with any particular set of local cireumstances. In the computa­tions 14 independent variables can be taken into consi­deration in the case of a single waterbearing layer. It has been attempted likewise to simplify and sepeed up com­putation work, attaching a graphical solution to the ma­jority of problems. The seepage discharge is obtained for a pervious layer of.great depth from Figs. 3. and 4. The inclusion of a given correetion factor is made possible in Fig. 7 when eomputing the width of seepage entry and exit in Figs. í>. and 6. The piezometric head aeting 011 the underside of the top cover at the lanward toe of the embankment is obtained from Fig. 13., for the va­lues A= 1 and 3, i.e., for casesof isotropy and anisotropy. The value A=3 has been selected to realize the aniso­tropy most frequently encountered in praetice. The computation method is suitable alsó for estimat­ing the seepage discharge in the case of several water­bearing layers. Manual work is more lengthy here, but little time is consumed when using a computer. To il­lustrate the results of computation, a few examples are shown in Figs. 9, 10, 11, 12. The main advantage of the method over other com­putation procedures lies in the possibility to allow for the influence of a channel, or borrow pit on the water­side of the embankment. For the computation to be practicable, the use of a computer is necessary, although in somé instances manual work may alsó yield rapid results. Computed discharges are shown in Figs. 11 and 18, while piezometric heads in Fig. 16. The influence rangé of a channel on the waterside is clearly illustrated in terms of the width of the channel, or borrow pit, the permeabilities of the cover and the pervious layer and the thiekness of the latter. In conclusion (Fig. 19) the method has been com­pared with other conventional methods. It will be seen to yield results identical with those of the method of Pawlowskyi, in the special case to which the latter is applicable. ,

