Gáncsné Nagy Erzsébet: Magyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete Helyismereti Könyvtárosok Szervezetének története, 1994-2002 (2004)

3. The Local Studies Group of the Association of Hungarian Librarians (HKSZ). - 3.4. National discussion group meetings. - 3.4.1. National discussion groups organised by the HKSZ.

19 March 1997 in the Budapest Collection of the Szabó Ervin Metropolitan Library: Two lectures were given. The first was based on Tibor Sándor's experience of the photographic archive of the Budapest Collection. He explained the tasks associated with these photographic images. The next lecture was by József Komlósi. He introduced a biographical database on notable local persons, developed in Székesfehérvár County Library. 29 October 1997 in the National Library: This was the General Assembly of the HKSZ. The themes of the professional programme were the connection between internet and the libraries, the national curriculum, and local history. The lecturers were István Moldován and Mihály Balogh. 19 November 1998 in the National Library: The Committee reported on its work 1994-1998 at this General Assembly. The report was published in a newsletter to assist communication and to ensure that the members were better informed. At this meeting the Committee was enlarged to seven representatives. Two members of the former Committee - Géza Horváth and László Kiss - withdrew their candidature. Gyula Mándli was elected Chairman; Márta Orbán (secretary); György Gerber (treasurer); Committee members: Er­zsébet Gáncs, László Gyuszi, József Komlósi, Tibor Sándor and Zoltánné Vö­rös. The professional programme included preliminary information on the national survey of local studies collections. 7 December 1999 in the National Library: This was the national meeting and General Assembly in conjunction with the Bibliographic Section. The participants heard a report on the preliminary results of the national survey of local studies collections 101 , and discussed the potential of the internet in assisting local studies and bibliographic work. 8 September 2000 in the Verseghy Ferenc County Library, Szolnok: The national meeting, with the members of the Bibliographic Section, was in Szol­nok for the first time, not in Budapest. The theme of the meeting was electronic material in local studies collections based on the practice of Szolnok County Library. The lecturer and the host for this meeting was Béla Takáts. 102 Also at this meeting an email list was set up for members of the HKSZ hksz-l@listserv.iif.hu . Beszámoló a MKE Helyismereti Könyvtárosok Szervezete tevékenységéről : 1994-1998. In: MKE helyisme­reti tájékoztató, 1998. 2. sz. p. 1-6. Kérdőíves felmérés a megyei és városi könyvtárak helyismereti munkájáról / Gáncsné Nagy Erzsébet. In: Könyv, könyvtár, könyvtáros, 2000. 1. sz. p. 23-28. 102 Elektronikus dokumentumok a helyismereti gyűjteményekben / Takáts Béla. In: Könyvtári levelező/lap, 2000. 10. sz. p. 7-9. 65

