1989. április (számozatlan) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2

I kofrí:™*" ®sm£ Editor: György Krassó * 24/D Little Russell Street * London. WC1A 2HN * Tel. 01-430 2126 (írom abroad 441-430 2126) 10th April, 1989 Condemnation of Ceausescu's Policy By the Ukrainian Independent Writers Alliance The Ukrainian Alliance of Independent Intellectuals (UANTI), which is an unofficial writers association which publishes four literary saraizdat periodicals in the Ukraine, issued an announcement on April 7th in which they support Hungárián writers who have condemned the desfcruction of Románián villages. The association has joined the declaration by the Hungárián Writers Alliance which calls upon the literary establishments of the world to protest against the Ceaugescu dictatorship which threatens national minorities in Románia and which will destroy hundreds of villages and monuments which belong to a culture which is centuries old. The UANTI calls upon all political, community and scientific organisations and all Ukrainian citizens to protest agai-nst Ceaupescu's inhuman policy which "hangs like a sword above the heads of our brothers and sisters living on the other side of the river Prut and above Ukrainians living in Roamnia". Oj ’ á Subscribers can use or quote the Hungárián October newsletters in totál or in detail as long as the source is acknowledged.

