1989. február (számozatlan) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2

^ «KUN SARIAN (§} OCTOMR.» ©sírni Editor: György Krassó * 24/D Little Russell Street * London, WC1A 2HN » Tel. 01-430 2126 (írom abroad 441-430 2126) 9th February, 1989 More Tfaan 15 000 New Slgnatures are Collected on the Second Danube Dav As was announced earlier by independent environmentalists,yesterday, February 8th, was the second Danube Day on which they continue to collect signatures (started in October) to support their demands that the govemment suspends the construction of the BÍ5s-Nagymaros dam and calls a referendum to decide the future of the investment. On the first Danube Day, January 2nd, 15 900 signatures were collected in 25 places in Budapest and by the middle of January the totál number of signatures had already reached over 100 000. On the second Danube Day, which was announced by the Danube Circle, signatures were collected in 51 provinciái towns and communities by environmentalists aided by local and Budapest activists in the Hungárián Democratic Fórum, the Young Demo- crats Alliance, the Free Democrats Alliance and the Small Holders Party. In Debre­cen 4012, in Pécs 2400, in Sopron 1500 and in Budapest (which was nőt a planned action) 5000 signatures were collected, tiny communities such as Ocsa, Pétervásara and Tiszavasvári alsó yielded results. Although the final count has nőt yet been made it is certain that the number of those demanding a referendum was raised by 15 000 yesterday. The environmentalists originally addressed the letter to the Hungárián Hepublic’s Presidential Council bút because of amendments to the constitution the power to decree a referendum has now fallen to Parliament. Thus they wish to submit their demands and the signatures, now reaching 120 000, to Parliament’s secretariat in the middle of February. However the Hungárián News Agency was nőt willing to pub- lish a report on the Danube Circle’s action yesterday. There are two further items of news connected to the dam. Gyula Bubla a Budapest M.P. submitted a proposal to Parliament the day before yesterday in which he calls fór another debate on the dam. Since then ten other M.P.s have joined him. Under the prevailing system Parliament must vote whether to organise a debate or nőt. In the meantime, on February 6th, Hungarian-Czechoslovak negotiations took piacé in Budapest. They concluded with Péter Medgyessy and Pavel Hrivnák, both Deputy Prime Ministers, signing an agreement which amends the treaty made between the two 0Dvemments on September l6th 1977. According to the amendment the Bős hydro- electric plánt’s first unit will be set in operation on July lst 1990 after which the other seven turbines will be ready two months before the planned deadline, in other words construction has been speeded up by fourteen months. n ■------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Subscribers can use or quote the Hungárián October newsletters in totál or in dotail as long as the source is acknowJedged.

