1989. január (1-18. szám) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2

Jií ®m£ Editor: György Krassó * 24/D Little Russell Street * London, WC1A 2HN * Tel. 01-430 2126 (írom abroad 441-430 2126) 3/1989 3rd January, 1989 "Danube Day11 In Budapest The Danube Circle and other independent environmentalist groups announced in their December 22nd press conference that January 2nd, the year’s first working day, was to be "Danube Day". They wish to show that they have nőt given up the struggle against the construction of the Bos-Wagymaros dam by collecting signat- ures fór the whole day. The Danube Circle succeeded in piacing an advert in the national papers, in the Friday and Saturday editions of Magyar Hírlap ("Hungárián News") and Magyar Nemzet ("Hungárián Nation"), in which they ask all friends of the environment to take part in collecting signatures. The text of the advert finished with the words "Fór the Danube, fór our future - Let the first day of the year be Danube Dayi". This plán of action was submitted to Budapest Police Headquarters on December 27th. They hoped that the police on duty would realise that the plán is totally legal and does nőt contravene any regulation. It was acknowledged by the police and the authorities did nőt in fact intervene at any time during the day. From October until December nőt less than 70 000 signatures were collected by environmentalists fór a letter sent to the Presidential Council of the Hungárián Republic which demanded an adequately prepared, soeially controlled referendum about the Bős-Nagymaros dam and that construction is suspended until this takes piacé. Yesterday’s action had far greater results than expected. The environmentalists divided the city intő six zones, they collected signatures on railway stations in the early moming, in Csepel at the shift change overs, and fór the whole day in the suburbs, such as Kőbánya Kispest, and in the busiest subways in the centre, they were in 25 places altogether. The Hungárián Demo- cratic Fórum alsó took part. People's attention was drawn by placards saying "Happy New lear, Patriotsl Let us do something to be happy abouti Signature Collection fór the Bős-Nagymaros dam affair. Nothing has been finalised yetl" The last sentence is a quote from János Szentágothai, the ex-president of the Hungárián Academy of Sciences, which appeared in an interview in the Magyar Nemzet recently. The result of the action day which finished yesterday evening at about 8 pm: 15 900 signatures. The totál number of signatures demanding a referendum has now reached 86 thousand. Subscribcrs can use or quote the Hungárián October newsletters in totál or in detail as long as the source is acknowledged. _____________-___________________

