1988. szeptember (209-245. szám) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2
/ «HMSARM< QCTQetZfO} _ J Editor: György Krassó * 24/D Little Russell Street * London, WC1A 2HN * Tel. 01-430 2126 (írom abroad 441-430 2126) 209/1988 (E) lst September, 1988 VJood Restorers Anainst the Destruction of Villages A declaration uas issued by the sixth Hungárián National Wood Restoration Conference, in which restorers, art experts and museum workers took part, condemning the Románián plán to destroy villages. The signatories of the declaration said that as restorers they often came across monuments of the pást which have been doomed to destruction. Thus they are aghast at these measures which will irrevocably annihilate the matériái and spiritual values of a European culture. The next generation will have no oppurtunity to understand and inherit the cultural history, monuments and traditions of the peoples who have lived together on this territory fór over one thousand years. The declaration says that "This aggressive policy disregards nationality culture, is inhuman and tums the Saxon, Románián, Hungárián, Swabian, Serbo-Croat, Slovak, Jewish, Ruthenian, Armenian and Bulgárián nations against one another, nations which have lived together fór centuries. Its purpose is to create a united nation state which is deliberately unwilling to acknowledge traditions and unwritten rules of co-existence which have developed over one thousand years between the peoples and nationalities of European civilization. These measures are irrevocable, they completely contradict the spirit of Helsinki and seem totally incomprehensible in today’s Europe." The restorers request their colleagues in Románia and other countries to protest and struggle against these measures with all the means at their disposal. They write that "We must by collaborating defend these communites which have created centuries of culture and matériái and spiritual values nőt only in Románia and Transylvania bút all over the world." The declaration was drafted on August 27th by the restorers Lajos Szent- györgyi Torna and Dániel L. Pécsi and signed by about fifty people. The protest was sent to the Hungárián and Románián govemments, to the European Parliament, the nat- ional and international press and other Hungárián, Románián and International expert bodies and political institutes. A Subscribers can use or quote the Hungárián October newsletters in totál or in detail as long as the source is acknowlcdged.