1988. június (138-158. szám) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2

sifflfil Editor: György Krassó * 24/D Little Russell Street * London, WC1A 2HN * Tel. 01-430 2126 (írom abroad 441-430 2126) 138/1988 (E) lst June, 1988 The Introduction of a Gommittee Demanding the Rehabilltation of Those Who Were Executed and Politieally Denounced in the ''Network" Council Meeting The Network fór Free Initiative held a council meeting during the week with about 80 participants. The aim of the Network which was formed on May lst is to coordinate the collaboration and activities of independent groups and Hungárián citizens who want democratic change. They collected more than 1000 signatures and a few days after their formation they elected a 50 member council and a 9 member information body. They issued a declaration which analysed the recent Hungárián political and economic situation entitied "There is a way out”. In Tuesday’s Network meeting slight changes were made to the information body which was reduced to seven members. In the meeting representatives of a new group entitled the "Historical Jurisdiction Committee" took part, their announcement stating that their aim is to cherish the memory of victims and of those who were defamed in earlier times and after the revolution and to publicise the injustice done to them provoked great interest. They announced a commemoration event planned fór June l6th fór the 30th anniversary of the execution of Imre Nagy and his fellow accused. The Network decided to jóin them in issuing any future announcements. During the meeting it was announced that on June 12th the Network will hold its first national conference in the Jurta Theatre. Those present debated the agenda fór this conference and decided that lectures would be given on the present Hungárián political and economic situation and that there would be an open debate on the Network*s activities and on the lectures. 4 Subscribers can use or quote the Hungárián October newsletters in totál or in detail as Iong as the source is acknowledged.

