1987. június (74-86. szám) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2

^1 -í . Hi««eAR! ah (®) 9srnM»^f, ál 24/0 Util* Rt>••«(! Street, LONDONI, WC.f • T«í. 0<-4*O a< i« . G. krai*é 74/1937/E/ 4th June,1987 Danuhe Foundation has heen Estahlished in Hungary It is more than three years ago now thai those movements which aim to hattle dangers threatening the Danuhe and its natural environment have come intő existence. The "Danuhe Circle", founded in 1984, and the "Blues" group have performed widespread domestic and International educational activity.and organized a protest againstthe construction of the Bős-Nagymaros hydraulic power-station which would threaten hoth the economy and the natural environment; more than ten thousand people signed this protest in Hungary. However, all these environmental protectionist activities were hanned hy the Hungárián authorities, and their demand on popular vöting on these matters were to no avail. The Hungárián govemment signed an agreement with Austria to fináncé the dam project. Last Eehruary the police assaulted and on the 14th of June this year took intő custody those "G-reens" from Austria, whose memhers included three Austrian MPs who wished to express their solidarity with Hungárián environmental protectionists. As a last instance, Dr. Kálmán Áhrahám, chairman of the National Board fór Environmental Protection and Natural Preservation refused an application to form a "National Trust fór the Preservation • of Natúré" and prohihited its further existence. The Danuhe movements in Hungary had won the "Right livelihood Poundation" award in 1985, which, known as the "Altemative Nohel Prize", is an award of a foundation fighting fór healthy natural environment. The Hungárián authorities did nőt permit the award to he collected in Swedish currency and transferring the money to Hungary met with difficulties fór a considerahle period of time. Einally in 1987 the twelve people representing the Danuhe movement received the prize in twelve separate parts, paid in Hungárián currency. The recipients used their award to create a foundation. Their statement on the 2oth of May was ignored hy the official press. It is now puhlished ahroad and runs as follows: Statement A név; foundation, called the "Danuhe Foundation",has heen created as a result of the "Right Livelihood Award" which had heen awarded in 1985 to the "Danuhe Circle" in apprecia- tion of the Danuhe movement. The founding memhers are: Iván Báha literary histórián, Tamás Dózsa graphic artist, Tihor Fényi histórián, Ferenc Langmár economist, Gáhor Pajkossy histórián, Anna Perczel architect, .Ágoston Péterffy engineer, Rózsa Széli graphic artist, János Vargha hiologist, Judit Vásárhelyi lihrarian, László Vit engineer. The foundation will assist priváté citizens or movements who wish to perform acts towards the preservation of ecology, environment or natúré with particular regard to the Danuhe . Sponsorhip will he considered hy an advisory hoard appointed hy the founding memhers. Memhers of the advisory hoard are; Endre Miklóssy architect, Ferenc Miszlivetz sociologist, László Sólyom

