1987. április (33-52. szám) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2

í ; unitié 4mmfl(Cfl(Q&BRfcg> Ytv> ®mSí 24/D Littl* Rwsell Street, LONDON, W.C.i T'i.Ol-W U 24 . G. Krassd 34/1987 /E/ 4th April, 1987 The programme of the democratic opposition's radical wing in 12 points No.2 1987 issue of the independent (samizdat) Journal ''Demokrata", entitled "The Message of March'', prints the programme drawn up in 12 points of a radical group of the democratic opposition. (On the 15th of March 1848 - the eve of the democratic revolution of the last century - the youth similarly suramed up their demands in 12 points). The samizdat Journal adds the following remark to this short, summarized programme: "These 12 points are nőt intended to replace or modify the demands of our proposed programme published in March 1986; they only sum up the most important ones among thenu " The text of the 12 point programme runs as follows: What Do We Want? 1. Reál civic rights, whose abuse is guaranteedly punished by criminal law, reál freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of conscience and freedom of assembly, based on the recognition of political and social pluralism; the end of the Communist Party's monopoly of power. 2. Reál parliamentarism, the expansion of the power of the Parliament, the abolition of the Presidential Council, the goveming by decree reduced to a minimum, the restoration of the autonomy of the local administrative organsj the assurance of the autonomy of villages according to their will. 3. A reál system of interest representation; legal protection by the law fór citizens and public bodies against organs of the government. 4* The restoration of the respect fór work and expertise, the assurance of the seven-hour working day, the re-construction of the system of wages, greater recognition of performance in the salaries, the renouncement of the principle of full employment, the right to strike and to unemployment benefitj the strengthening of labour discipline. 5. Establishing the minimum income; free social Services fór the poor and paid social Services fór everybody else; the abolishment of corruption in health service; the strengthening of the security and social role of the family through a more moderate employment of female labour as well. 6. The supporting of the priváté initiative in industry, agriculture and trade as well as in the service branches; the strengthening of the small and medium-sized firms in the state-owned industry, instead of gigantic concerns; the abolition of the system of subsidies; reál competition between state-owned, cooperative and priváté sectors of the economy based on the laws of the markét, 7. Increased protection of our natural wealth; an independent body to control the safety of the utilisation of nuclear energy; a new Land Act; the <2,

