1987. január (1-6. szám) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2

- 2 ­r From our position upon this moving sea of hatred, we wholeheart- edly grasp one single fact: the spiritual leaders of the Hungárián people possess no desire to be rulers over another natlon. We have no slogan of " glve Transylvania back", nőt only because the present government of Hungary-very properly- would nőt tolerate it, bút because the idea of ruling has lost its attraction to the leaders of our people. To whoin does Transylvania belong? We think to those who have been born here. What, then, has been the complaint of the Hungarians? GRADUAL DE3TRUCTI0IÍ As we travel around Transylvania we regularly hear the complaint that Hungárián schools and lessons In the Hungárián language are beelng decreased in number year by year. Románián school teachers, who dd nőt speak a word of the local language, are frequently appointed to villages of a solely Hungárián population. It is practically impossible fór Hungárián students to find a piacé to take higher education entrance examinations in their mother tongue. As a result, the possibility of further education is decreasing fór more and more Hungárián applicants. If they are acceptéd, they usually have to study far from the regions populated by Hun- gurianu, in a foi'elgn-spuaklng cnvlronment. Once they have graduated, nearly all of them must inove out of the area where they were brought up. Fewer and fewer Hungárián books are being published. Hungárián Intellectuals(doctors, teachers, priests, and pastors) are under constant pressure from the secret police to inform against their own people. Admission intő the semlnaries of the Hungárián Román Catholic and Reformed Churches is so tightly restricted that the churches will soon be paralyzed. TV broadcasts in the Hungárián language have been discontinued and rádió programs have decreased to a minimál level. The use of police terror is the primary means of opressing the Hungárián ininority. More and more frequently one hears of the árrést, tor- ture and brutal beating of those who whisper of their pain. There have already been martyrs: Géza Palfi, the Román Catholic priest beatén to death, and Airpad Viski, the actor who was driven to death. In order to intimidate, homes are raided daily and Hungárián liter- ature confiscated. Hungárián Bibles are sacrilegiously pulped fór toilet paper production, the use of the Hungárián language in public forums is forbidden and Hungárián written works are confis­cated at the borders. Fór one hundred and twenty thousand "Chango" Hungarians there is a totál bán on rights of lingual expression, together with their complete geographlcal isolation intő "reservations". These are all signs of a large-scale abuse of the most basic humán rights. The ethnlc unlty oJ’ oui• tuwn:; and villages Ír. brokon up by a pro­gram of artificlal suttloment, resettleinent and forced lntegration. The daily press lias identified the Hungárián people with the "fasclst Horthy-regime", and is now on the verge of calling fór a pogrom against Hungarians. Millions of people live in fear and terror, and hundreds of thou- sands search fór an individual way of escape.

