A Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Levéltár évkönyve 31. 2006–2009 (Debrecen, 2009)

Tanulmányok - Varjasi Imre: „Megszenvedték...” Adatok a XX. század második felének hajdúböszörményi áldozatainak, meghurcoltjainak történetéhez

Varjasi Imre: „Megszenvedték...” 430 ’They had already paid the penalty....’ Data on the history of the victims being prosecuted in the second half of the 20th century in Hajdúböszörmény Imre Varjasi In this study the author writes about the victims of the World War II in Hajdúböszörmény, first of all the losses of the civilians. It was completed with the story of prosecuted and deported people. Thus the study gives us a thorough picture of one of the most dangerous era of the 20th century and the local victims of the two inhuman dictatorships. It is worth mentioning the history of the political cases at law following 1956 in that small lowland town because beyond the sympathy of the revolution there were not any violant events, at all. The author tells us every reachable information about the victims of the events of the war.

