Vörös A. szerk.: Fragmenta Mineralogica Et Palaentologica 18. 1996. (Budapest, 1996)

Crocidura kornfeldi Kormos; B/16: 2 maxilla-fr. (viscerocrania); 43 mandible­fragm.; B/17: 1 maxilla-fr., 5 mandible-fr. The above listed remains of Soricids were selected according to their size, within one morphological category. All remains are typical Lower Pleistocene forms. The climatical significance of some forms (e.g. the genus Crocidura) will be discussed in the conclusions of this article. Chiroptera; the bat fauna is outstandingly rich in comparison to those found at the nearly 40 Lower Pleistocene localities of the Villány-Mountains. According to the investigations of GY. TOPÁÉ it consists of some thousands of bones of about 20 species. The predominant element is an ancient form of the, today strictly Mediterranean, Mehely's Bat {Rhinolopus mehelyi Matschie) perhaps identical with the subspecies birzebbugensis Storch, described from Malta. The above mentioned climatical significance of some shrews and bats will be discussed later: Rhinolophus-Crocidura and Eptesicus nilssonii-Sorex, occurred together in some points of the locality. According to GY. TOPÁL, the fossil material of bats helped to clear up the systematical position of some forms (Myotis bechsteini robustus = M. steiningeri; the validity of the species M. schaubi is proved, being previously known only by the type specimen, and now found in a great number in Beremend, etc.). TOPÁL speaks about a hibernating colony, which proves that an open cave were present during the Lower Pleistocene in the Villány Mountains (see TOPÁL in TAKÁCSNÉ BOLNER 1985 and oral communication). Hypolagus beremendensis (Petényi); the about 70 remains represent nearly all anatomical units of a hare, as follows: B/16: molar sup., I sup., mandible with P 3-P 4-M! and the same with all teeth, molar inf., scapula-fragm., 2 ulnae fr., femur prox. fragm. and a complete one, tibia dist. fr., calcaneus, 4 metapodii, phalanx; B/17: I sup., P 3 , 6 molar-fr., 5 mandible-fr., humerus dist. fr., 4 ulna-fragm., femur dist. fr., 7 metapodial­fi\, 17 phalanges, 5 vertebral-fragm. Each present P 3 show the enamel-pattern characteristic for Hypolagus and not for Lepus, which fact agrees with the stratigraphical position of the remains. According to KRETZOI (1956) the valid name is Hypolagus beremendensis and not H. brachygnathus. Hystrix (sp.?); B/16: complete femur and a morphologically-systematically uncertain phalanx I. The morphological features in the proximal and distal epiphysis of the femur speak unambiguously for the remain of a porcupine. The length of the bone (including the trochanter major) measures 107 mm, the width in the middle is 14 mm, the distal width is 28 mm. For comparison the geologically contemporaneous and anatomically identical bone from Osztramos 8 is the most convenient (JÁNOSSY 1972); its adequate measurements are: 103/12/24 mm. Thus, the differences in the measurements and the view of the proportions show that the Beremend-specimen is more robust than the Osztramos one. This slight difference does not seem to be enough to decide whether there are two different species or not. Citellus cf. primigenius Kormos; B/16: 7 fragments of molars, about 20-30% larger than those in my recent comparative material of Citellus citellus. According to their stratigraphical position we have to count with the presence of the above mentioned form.

