Vörös A. szerk.: Fragmenta Mineralogica Et Palaentologica 14. 1989. (Budapest, 1989)

Conspectus materiarum HARANGI, Sz. Multivariate mathematical methods in the study of a single volcanic suite 5- 16 VÖRÖS, A. and PÁLFY, J. : The Anisian/Ladinian boundary in the Vászoly section (Balaton Highland, Hungary) I 7- 27 CONTI, M. A. and SZABÓ, J. : A revision of the Jurassic gastropod fauna from Capo San Vigilio (S-Alps, Italy), published by M. VACEK (1886) 29- 40 SOMODY, Á. : A survey of the Aptian Brachiopods from the Northern Bakony Moun­tains (Hungary) 41- 62 VÖRÖS, A. : Middle Eocene transgression and basin evolution in the Transdanubian Central Range, Hungary: sedimentological contributions 63- 72 KECSKEMÉTI, T. : Bathymétrie significance of Recent Larger Foraminifera: an example of application to the Eocene of Hungary 73- 82 HABLY, L. : The Oligocène flora of Nagysáp 83- 99 VÖRÖS, I. : Prodeinotherium petenyii sp. n. from the Lower Miocene at Putnok (North Hungary! 101-110 KRETZOI, M. and VÖRÖS, I. : On a new caviomorph rodent from Peru 111-116 JÁNOSSY, D. : Geierfunde aus der Repolusthöhle bei Peggau (Steiermark, Öster­reich) 117-119 JÁNOSSY, D. : Postpleistozäne Verbreitung des Schmutzgeiers (Neophron perenop­terus) im Mittelmeerraum 121-125

