Vörös A. szerk.: Fragmenta Mineralogica Et Palaentologica 13. 1987. (Budapest, 1987)

Conspectus materiarum We celebrate the 80 birthday of Miklós KRETZOI 5 ÁRKAI, P. : Contribution to the knowledge of the polymetamorphic basement of the Great Plain (Pannonian Basin, East Hungary): the environment of the Derecs­ke Depression 7 SZAKMÁNY, Gy. : Geochemistry of soil and subsoil interaction at Mezőnagymihály, NE Hungary 21 VÖRÖS, A. : Preliminary results from the Aszófő section (Middle Triassic, Balaton area, Hungary): a proposal for a new Anisian ammonoid subzonal scheme ... 53 KORDOS, L. : Karstocricetus skofleki gen. n., sp. n. and the evolution of the Late Neogene Cricetidae in the Carpathian Basin 65 JÁNOSSY, D. : Ältestpleistozäne Vertebratenfauna von Beremend 15 (Süd-Ungarn) ... 89 JÁNOSSY, D. und VÖRÖS, I. : Die mittelpleistozäne Fauna der Höhle des Hungária­Berges bei Dorog (Gerecse Gebirge, Ungarn) 97 VÖRÖS, I. : The Middle Pleistocene large mammal remains from the Lipova Cave at Hronec (Slovakia) Ill VÖRÖS, I. : Complete Pleistocene Red Deer (Cervus elaphus L, ) antlers in the Car­pathian Basin 123

