Folia historica 25

I. A Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum és az 1956-os forradalom és szabadságharc emlékéve 2006-ban - Jalsovszky Katalin: Elrejtve, elkobozva, bűnjelként mellékelve. Az 1956-os magyar forradalom fotográfiái

Hidden, Confiscated, Used as Corroborating Evidence Photographs of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution (The Hungarian National Museum's Exhibition 'Versteckt, beschlagnahmt, als Beweismate­rial beigefügt... Bilder der ungarischen Revolution 1956' during the Hungarian Season in Germany) Summary Some photographs can tell more stories at a time. First, one sees the information the camera recorded at the moment of exposure. Then, if we explore the life of the photograph as an object, we can learn a lot about the time the photograph went through. Our exhibition in Germany presented photographs from the period of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution that were then hidden or put into confidential files of archives, photos that were confiscated and enclosed to trials as exhibits and evidence. We also acquainted the visitors with the stories of the pictures, thus the 'story-teller' photographs represented the days of the revolution as well as the ensuing years, the reprisal, and the dictatorship. The article gives the German cata­logue of the exhibition with 29 photographs of the displayed 63 pieces. 242

