Folia historica 15
CONTENTS Péter V. SIMON: The Insitution of the Civic Guard in the Spring of 1848 11 Robert HERMANN: Government Commissioners in the Camp of Görgei - Part I. (The Activity of Pál Luzsénszky and Ferdinánd Ragályi as Government Commissioners from 13rd January to 1 st March, 1849.) 25 Beatrix BASICS: The Drawings of Lipót Pálffy in the Collection of the Historical Picture Gallery 55 Katalin KÖRMÖCZI: The Writing Table of Boldizsár Horvát and the Austro—Hungarian Compromise 77 (Historical-museological Contributions to the Making of the Compromise Laws). Gábor NÉMETH: Documents of Guilds in the Historical Collection of the Hungarian National Museum Ill Ferenc TEMESVÁRY: Index of the Catalogue written by János Szendrei about the Relics of Military History in the National Millenary Exhibition 137 Tibor KOVÁCS: The Activity of the Hungarian National Museum in the year 1986 201 7