S. Mahunka szerk.: Folia Entomologica Hungarica 63. (Budapest, 2002)

FOLIA ENTOMOLOGICA HUNGARICA ROVARTANI KÖZLEMÉNYEK Volume 63 2002 pp. 113-117. Paraspiculatus oroanna sp. n. from Peru (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Zs. BÁLINT Abstract: The eumaeine lycaenid Paraspiculatus oroanna sp. n. (Peru, dept. Huanuco, Cushi) is de­scribed and distinguished from other members of the genus. Key words: Neotropics, Peru, Lycaenidae, Eumaeini, Paraspiculatus INTRODUCTION Southern Brazilian members of the genus Paraspiculatus Johnson et Con­stantino, 1997 were recently reviewed (Bálint & Moser 2001). It was noted that the exsistence of several undescribed species from other parts of continental South America have been already known (Johnson & Constantino 1997: 1, 4 and Bálint & Moser 2001: 259). Present work describes one of the Peruvian taxa documented previously by d'Abrera (1995: 1195) and listed in the key to the species of the ge­nus (Bálint & Moser 2001: 252). DESCRIPTION OF NEW TAXON Paraspiculatus oroanna sp. n. (Figs 1-2) = "T. ? sp." and "T. ? sp.": d'Abrera 1995: 1195 (figures). = "P. (araspiculatus) sp.": Bálint & Moser 2001: 261. Diagnosis - Reminiscent to sympatric P. orocana and P. orobiana species having similar dorsal colouration and wide black margin. The absence of the gleaming marking in the cell 3A+2A of the hind wing anal part on ventral side dif­ferentiates P. orobiana. Likewise, the absence of the fore wing apex white suffu-

