S. Mahunka szerk.: Folia Entomologica Hungarica 52. (Budapest, 1992)

Journal of the Hungarian Natural History Museum and the Hungarian Entomological Society Editorai Board ASPÖCK, H (Austria) CHVÁLA M. (Czecho-Slovakia) FISCHER, M. (Austria) HAUSER, B. (Switzerland) KERZHNER, I. M. (Russia) LÖBL, I. (Switzerland) MERKL, O. (Hungary) NORTON, R. A (USA) RONKAY, L. (Hungary) TARMAN, G. T. (Austria) VÁSÁRHELYI, T. (Hungary) ZOMBORI, L. (Hungary) Folia ent. hung., 52, 1992 31. III. 1992. The publication of this volume was supported by the foundation of Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungáriáé and the Hungarian Entomological Society ISSN 0373 Printed in Hungary

