S. Mahunka szerk.: Folia Entomologica Hungarica 52. (Budapest, 1992)

Holotype female, HNHM No. 8473; Szakonyfalu, 21. VI. 1960, from Calluna vulgaris L., HUNGARY, Erdős. Described by 18 females and 14 males; in HNHM coll. 22 paraty­pes: females No. 8474-8, 8481, 8484-6, 8488, 8490-2, 8503-4, males No. 8479-80, 8482­3, 8487, 8489, 8493. vigil Erdős, 1957 g:27 (Paraphycus) =Xenaphycus vigil (Erdős) Trjapitzin, 1978:295 Holotype female, HNHM No. 6819; Kelebia, Darvas erdő, 19. V. 1950, HUNGARY, Erdős. Described by 1 female. APHELLNIDAE excelsus Erdős, 1956 b:384 (Coccophagus) LECTOTYPE female, HNHM No. 3377, selected by Szelényi (in ?) designation here; Hegyalja, Kőkapu, 17. VII. 1954, from Picea excel sa Lk., HUNGARY, Erdős. Described by 2 females, paralectotype No. 3378. gigantis Erdős, 1959 a:93 (Prospaltella) =Encarsia gigas (Tchumakova, 1957) Vig­giani, 1987:146 Holotype female, HNHM No. 8953; Budapest, Ugor utca, 14. VII. 1955, ex Quadras­pidiotus gigas (Thiem & Gem.), HUNGARY, Kosztarab. Described by 1 female, Note: the head of holotype demaged by psocids! gigas Erdős, 1956 b385 (Coccophagus) Described by 3 males, collected in Budapest, Budaörs, Kamaraerdő, There is not spe­cimen in HNHM coll. hexatricha Erdős & Nowicky, 1953 a:180 (Hexatricha) LECTOTYPE female, HNHM No. 8942, designated here; Kelebia, Boristei erdő, 10. VI. 1949, HUNGARY, Erdős. Described by 8 females and 20 males; in HNHM coll. 10 paralectotypes: female No. 8943, males No. 8944-7 (8947 6 male on a card, 8944 gaster missing). ochrura Erdős & Nowicky, 1953 a:183 (Centrodora) = Centrodora tibialis (Nees, 1834) Graham, 1976:136 Holotype female, HNHM No. 8948; Kelebia, 30. IV. 1949, HUNGARY, Erdős. Desc­ribed by 1 female. Note: head and body partly demaged by psocids. opaca Erdős, 1956 b386 (Pteroptix) Described by 2 females and 4 males, collected 1 female in Kalocsa, 16. VII. 1947, from Tilia platyphyllos Sc. and 1 female, 4 males in Zirc, 3-9. VIII. 1955, from Tilia cordata Mill, with Lepidosaphes ulmi L. There is not specimen in HNHM coll. piceae Erdős, 1956 b:383 (Coccophagus) LECTOTYPE female, HNHM No. 3379, designated here; Hegyalja, Kemence­Tal, 15. VII. 1954, from Picea excelsa Lk., HUNGARY, Erdős. Described by 2 females, paralec­totype No. 3380. Salicis Erdős, 1961 b:422 (Centrodora) Holotype female, HNHM No. 8949; Szeremlc, 19. VII. 1960, from Salix alba L., HUN­GARY, Erdős. Described by 1 female. tetrataenion Erdős & Nowicky, 1953 a:178 (Mesidia) -Aphelinus tetrataenion (Er­dős & Nowicky) Hayat, 1990:254 Lcctotypc lost ! selected by Szelényi in 1981; described by 7 females and 14 males; in HNHM coll. 7 paralectotypes: female No. 8950 (antennae missing), males No. 8951-2 (8952 4 males on a card).

