S. Mahunka szerk.: Folia Entomologica Hungarica 34/2. (Budapest, 1981)

Scenopinus goblensis sp.n. (Fig. 4) This species exhibits an unusual disjunct population distribution, with a wide distribution bet­ween 106°-115°E and 45°-48°N in the Gobi Desert of eastern Mongolia and what I consider to be a relict population at 20°E 45°N In Hungary, in a sand dune area between the Danube and Tisa Ri­vers. Length o* body 1.7-3.2 mm, wing 2.0-2.3 mm, o. body 2.5 mm, wing 2.0 mm. Male - head black, covered with grey pollen; eyes with red-brown coarse upper facets and black-brown fine lower facets; a very narrow postocular rim; frons narrow, triangular, with a deep median groove, all dusted with grey pollen:, ocellar tubercle black, dusted with grey pollen; ocelli red-brown; back of head concave; mouthparts black-brown, filling oral cavity; palpi red­brown, short; antennae with basal segments red-brown, third segment black-brown, covered with grey pollen, swollen at base, narrowing to a rounded point. Thorax with dorsum black-brown, dusted with grey pollen, heavier along midline, short white hairs over most of the surface; humeral callus tipped with red-brown; supraalar callus tan; pleu­ral areas black brown dusted with grey pollen; wing light brown, veins brown; haltère stem light brown, knob white, fully rounded; legs with coxae through tibiae dark red-brown, tarsi straw yel­low darkening to red-brown at tip, all coxae covered with short white hairs. Abdomen dark red-brown, dusted with grey pollen; posterior margins of segments 2-6 with broad white membranes giving the dorsal surface a solid white appearance, ventral surfaces red-brown dusted with grey pollen; terminal segments red-brown, dusted with grey pollen. Female - head black, covered with grey pollen; eyes dark red-brown; postocular rim broad, covered with pollen; frons broad covered with short anteriorly directed hairs, a median groove extends from the antennái bases to the median ocellus; ocellar tubercle black, covered with grey pollen; ocelli orange; back of head concave; mouthparts and antennae as male. Thorax as male except humeral callus tipped with tan and supraalar callus cream. Abdomen dark red-brown with tan posterior membranes on anterior segments; 8th sternum with extensive disto-lateral membrane creating a spatulate tip. Holotype: Mongolia, Ostgobi aimak: 25 km SO von Cojren, 1200 m, 30.VI. 1963 (Nr. 68), Exp. Dr. Z. KASZAB. Holotype d* and Allotype <j> same data, deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. Paratypes 4 c/, 1 ^ as holotype. - Ostgobi aimak: 60-70 km NNW von Sainchand, 1000 m, 29.VI. 1963 (Nr. 52), 1 d*, 6 <j> Exp. Dr. KASZAB. - Central aimak: 26 km O von Somon Fig. 3. Scenopinus afghanistanensis sp.n. £ - a: wing - b: lateral aspect of head - c: enlarged (2x) detail of antennae - d: enlarged (2x) frontal aspect of head - e: lateral aspect of 8th and 9th segments - f: ventral aspect of 8th sternum - g: 9th sternum and bursa - h: spermathecae

