Kovács I. Endre szerk.: Rovartani Közlemények (Folia Entomologica Hungarica 10/13-30. Budapest, 1957)
ROVARTANI KÖZLEMÉNYEK FOLIA ENTOMOLOGICA HUNGARI CA (SERIES NOVA) 1957. TOM. X. Nr. 13. Description of a new genus and some new species of the family Scelionidae from Hungary (Hym. Proctotrupoidea) by 3. B. Szabó State Institute of Hygiene, Budapest The Type specimen of this genus is preserved in the collection of the Hungarian National Museum of Natural Hystory in Budapest. Hungarosoelio gen, n. Head transverse, distinctly vider than the thorax. Oooiput gr andually rounded backwards „ Ooelli forming a triangle. Posterior ooelli almost touching the eye-margin. Eyes large, ovoidal, olothed with very short conspicuous hairs.Antennae of the male 12-jo inted. Mandibles tridentate. Mesosoutum seen from above convex and as seen from the sides In front with a small subtriangular area. S out ©Hum semicircular, pillow-shaped, posteriorly with a line of weakly determined points surrounding a small halfmoon-shaped area. Metanoturn with long and fine hairs forming a straight line. Propodeum deeply and widely ezoised. Pore wings with the suboostal vein hardly separated from the w ingmar gin and forming with the marginal one almost a fused line. Marginal vein as long as the subcostal vein. Stigmal vein thickened at apex, very hardly visible in the middle. Abdomen petlolate, fusiform, bearing 7 visible segments, the second one the longest, and the third segment the widest. Legs slender, tibiae with a more or less distinct spine at the tip, tarsi 5-jointed.