Folia archeologica 43.

MATERIAL OF THE KISKEVÊLY CAVE 19 The objects of the Jankovichian culture The dennitiçn of the culture was given by Vera Gábori-Csánk, after several years' studies in her theses for academic doctor's degree presented in 1986. 2 4 The descriptions are taken from this work after which we have not any new data on the question. Pb. 411.a. (Hillebrand: Magdalenian) broad flake with convex truncature on its distal end Pb. 411.b. (Hillebrand: Magdalenian) proximal fragment of a retouched blade-like flake Pb. 481 (Hillebrand: Magdalenian) convergent scraper with convex edge Pb. 483. (Hillebrand: Magdalenian, Vértes: Transdanubían Szeletian) scraper retouched along its every edge by small, abrupt retouch Pb. 485. (Hillebrand: Magdalenian, Vértes: Subalyuk-scraper) double scraper with tapered bulb Pb. 486 (Hillebrand: Magdalenian, Vértes: Transdanubian Szeletian) leaf-shaped scraper with archaic bifacial working, manufactured all over its sur­face and also worked on its margins. Pb. 489. (Hillebrand: Magdalenian, Vértes: Transdanubian Szeletian) slightly retouched scraper with opposing edge Pb. 815: (Hillebrand: Mousterian, Vértes: Mousterian) Convergent scraper with convex edge, typologically the tool belongs to the Jan­kovichian, thougn as regards its shape and its raw material it belongs rather to the Mousterian. 108.914.34. (Vértes: Mousterian) Fragment of a convergent scraper, after it had broken all the three edges of it were made to be finer by shaping retouch. 108.914.36. (Vértes: Mousterian scraper) Scraper with straight edge with a borer-like tip, the distal end is concavely trun­cated from the dorsal face. These lo tools belong to the Jankovichian. Mousterian tools In the appendix of her theses Vera Gábori-Csánk collected also the Mousterian finds; 14 tools and 61 flakes. 2 5 The presence of pebble-Mousterian can be detected in several caves and open air sites of Transdanubia (Fig. 3.). Though the group of pebble-manufacturing Middle Paleolithic sites can be divi­ded chronologically and according to the differences in pebble manufacturing tech­nology into at least two facies (represented by Érd — Charentian and Tata - Ponti­niano together with the few objects in the Szelim and Kiskevély caves which are un­suitable for cultural classification), it is the split pebble — segment which is the basic tool form which gives a peculiar character this group of lithic assemblages. After surveying the flakes we could select further objects which can be regarded as tools. Because of the coarse-grained raw material used to make them and also be­2 4 Gábori-Csánk, V. 1986. 353-354, X-XI. tables 2 5 Gábori-Csánk, V. 1986. 354-355. X-XI. tables

