Folia archeologica 43.

14 VIOLA T. DOBOSI - ISTVÁN VÖRÖS the 22 typologically estimable tools on the basis of her studies made on the whole of the Jankovichian . ' 1988. Comparing tha cave and loess stratigraphies Árpád Ringer puts the whole Middle Paleolithic into the preceding chronological period and according to him the younger phase of the Jankovichian does not the fall into the cold peak of the Würm I. ana anyway the Kiskevély cave belongs to the older phase of Jankovichian; the end of Riss/Würm, the beginning of Early Würm. The pebble Mousterian, being be­low the Jankovichian cannot be younger than the interglacial. Ringer thinks that the infilling of our caves starts with the red soil of the large interglacial which is absent in the Kiskevély cave. The yellow plastic layer which there the sequence begins with a locally solified cold loess of Early Würm, formed after the red soil of the large interglacial. According to this theory the two soils of different shades (reddish and greyish brown) containing two Middle Paleolithic cultures (pebble Mousterian and Jankovichian) are only the two early interstadials of the Mende-Basaharc sedimenta­tion phase. 1 9 In the estimated absolute chronological dates this chronological shift of large scale is slightly moderated. Archeological material The material of several excavations made in the cave is inventorized at several places. In the inventory book of the Paleolithic collection of the Hungarian National Museum there are four groups of items: - that of those finds which are originated from Jenő Hillebrand's excavations. These finds had got here from the Hungarian Geological Institute. Pb/392-503 and Pb/807-832. - The material yielded by Jenő Hillebrand's excavations, given originally the Hungarian National Museum 108/1914.1^13, without deatils, with missing items. - The material from Vértes' check excavation in 1957: Pb 57/54-56. The material of the 1948 Sashegyi excavation had got into the Ferenczy Museum at Szentendre where it is inventorized under several numbers. This material contains Ludanice, Baden, Late Bronze Age Urnfield culture potteries, Roman green glazed ceramics and potsherds from the Arpadian Age (11 th-12th centuries) and those from the 13th century — they were collected by Sashegyi from the cast our earth on the slope. 2 0 There is no trace of Holocene material in the assemblage inventorized by Hil­lebrand—Mottl. Hillebrand mentions only that " visited repeatedly the cave from the lithic ages of the Holocene till the Aurignacian or Mousterian phases of the Middle Pleistocene". In the inventory the list of items begins with Magdalenian. The two Late Bronze Age sherds found during Vértes' 1957 check excavation were inventorized by Amália Mozsolics who gave the following chronological re­mark: BV (Inv. no. 87.57.1-2.; sherd part of a neck of an urn, its rim is faceted, black outside, grey inside - and: crudely manufactured sherd of a pot, light brown with a 1 8 Gábori-Csánk, im. X-XI. tábla. 1 9 Ringer, 1988. 70-73, 2 0 MRT 7,72-74: Hillebrand, J. 1913/Ь. 154: MNM, Inventory book "Prehistory" MNM, Inventory book "Paleolithic"

