Folia archeologica 43.

12 VIOLA T. DOBOSI - ISTVÁN VÖRÖS clastic infilling and during the digging up of the narrow corridor of the cave he excavated a new lower layer mentioned only by him; a greyish brown clay with red veins and quartz grains, which Sashegyi thinks to be the infilling of a lower cave opened out towards the entrance of the cave; - He collects new finds in the cave claimed by Hillebrand to be already empty (though there are no signs of this collection in the inventory book, perhaps he refers to those items which later proved to be merely cracked bones). We must not blame Sashegyi of misinterpretating the bones since as regards for example the "Kiskevélyi type tooth blades" he only shared Hillebrand's opinion, though the idea of their artificial origin had been already rejected by also Abbé Breuil and H. Obermayer. - We have no better explanation for the lack of lithic tool processing than the one given by Sashegyi; that is the cave was not a permanent occupation site but, using a modern expression, it was most probably a "hunting extractive camp". - The "pattern" of the detritus fallen down from the ceilingor from the walls of the cave suggests him the notion of an artificial, wall-like structure. We are unable either to confirm or deny this though if there was a built wall at all within the cave it hardly could be of Paleolithic age. Every detail of the Sashegyi excavation and the authenticity of the observations were confirmed by the regular surveys made by the two experts. This excavation was on the same level as contemporary cave excavations and if at all only minor uncontrolled conclusions suggest the intention of the author that is to be justified at all costs. 1957. During the collection of data for his candidature theses which he planned to write on cave sediments László Vértes tried to collect new series of samples where it was possible to make uniform analyses, therefore to get as objective results as pos­sible. He opened a small section on the eastern side of the entrance of the Kiskevély cave (Fig. 1.). After its infilling was analyzed the result was a chronological gate be­tween the Middle Paleolithic "pebble Mousterian" and the "Transdanubian Szele­tian" the necessary character of which he tried to justify by dividing the brown layer, containing the finds, into two parts according to its chemical-physical properties. 1 0 1965. In 1957 the excavations had been finished in the cave (though considering Sashegyi's observations those who would be ready to continue the excavations might be surprised). In his doctoral theses (and also in the "Manual") Vértes does not deal with the Kiskevélyi cave in effect. He states: - that quartzite and silex tools of Mousterian character can be connected with the Tata circle of finds, they are not older than the Würm I/II interstadial." - In the sediment formed from the end of the Würm I/II interstadial till the ini­tial humid phase of Würm II in the intermediary layer over the lower reddish brown layer there are some flakes and scrapers of Szeletian character, admit­ting the possibility that classical Szeletian finds may have originated also from the reddish brown layer. 1 2 1 0 Vértes, L. 1959.98-102. 1 1 Vértes, L. 1965. 110-112. 1 2 Vértes, im. 159.

