Folia archeologica 10.
Korek József: A bükki kultúra települése a Hillebrand barlangban
Л settlement of the Biikk Ku/ture in the Hillebrand cave 27 The occurrence of holes for piles in caves is a rare phenomen and was only met in Hungary at Aggtelek (Arch. Ért. 1. 11. 1943. 7. fig.). From the holes placed systematically two structures in the shape of a horseshoe were reconstructed by Mr. Alexander Gallus, leader of the excavations. It was taken into consideration that the holes for piles placed so closely each other might be the remnants of a bridging over which is made probable by the flowing water. As to the destination of these holes the above point of view played also a part, but their placement is too irregular to be taken into primary consideration as a possibility for reconstruction. In this sense we consider the holes as the accessories of the structure inside the cave. For the reconstruction we found only few analogies from the open ground settlements of the people of the Bükk culture. In the course of the Borsod excavations in 1948 we found such a hovel dug and sunk into the earth wich can be reconstructed with a structure of a saddle-roof. The holes for piles placed around a circular hole give reason to suppose that it had a conical top. The placement of the holes makes it certain, that the centre of the cave was crossed by a path 80—120 cms wide, on both sides of which the various objects were placed. From their placement we can also see that those with the smallest diameter are grouped in the fore front of the cave, while the largest are at the back and the arched forms are characteristic. There are several possibilities for the reconstruction and of these we prosent a hut having the shape of a leafage (4. fig.) and an angular half roofed building (5. fig.), like two phenomena which are the most easily separable. Of the material of find we posses very little and from the homogeneous finds we present the material relating to fireplace B. The material of find (PI. III. 1—7.) shows a composition belonging to the classical Bükk culture. Among the thick-walled fragments the grooves similar to fingernailpinches (Pl. III. 8.) placed in rows on the surface of the pots as well as fragments with fingernailpinches are rare. (Pl. III. 9.) The analogies for the pots with the decoration of grooves in rows are to be found on the middle sector of the Tisza river and there is no doubt that the basis of the decoration is given by the Körös culture. This way of decoration is also well known in the pottery with lined ornamants, in Flungary also in the Zseliz group by the Danube. According to the latest hungarian researches the culture of pottery with lined ornaments is to be found in dense settlements in the northern areas of the Alföld (Great Hungarian Plain) on the left bank of the Tisza river. We can find among its ornamental motifs many characteristics, which show the style elements of the Körös culture and this cannot be disputed in the case of such a pottery, which, beside the types of lined ornaments, applies the elements of the Körös culture too. The pottery with lined ornaments, influenced by the Körös culture, played the main part in the back streams in North Western direction and it is this, which carries the typical southern form of pots: butt pots and the transformed motif of the pots with fingernail-pinches. The material of fragments of mixed composition of the Eugene Hillebrand cave-pinched ornament, nail printed reliefs in rows, classical and meanderlike Bükk fragments —can only be found together if we look for an explanation in the influence of the pottery with lined ornaments reaching towards North. Besides all the different style elements the settlements points definitely to a one-fold and