Fogorvosi szemle, 2022 (115. évfolyam, 1. szám)

2022-03-01 / 1. szám

FOGORVOSI SZEMLE 115. évf. 1. sz. 2022. n 44 SEEREINER T, KIVOVICS M Lower combined and implant borne upper fixed full arch prostheses using static Computer Assisted Implant Surgery Case report Reverse planning in contemporary implantology means that the number, dimensions, position, and inclination of dental implants placed are determined by prosthodontic design. This facilitates optimal aesthetic results and function, an ideal bio mechanical loading for all components of the prosthesis, and a long-term stability of soft and hard tissues surround­ing the implants. Navigated implant placement aims to reproduce planned positions during implant surgery. During stat­ic computer-assisted implant surgery (CAIS), planned implant positions are reproduced by the surgical template. Static CAIS decreases postoperative morbidity and surgical time, which makes it an advantageous treatment modality in the management of elderly patients. In our case report, we present the delivery of a combined prosthesis in the lower jaw and a full arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis using static CAIS for the upper jaw. Keywords: dental implant, surgical guide, static navigation, computer-assisted implant surgery Case report

