Fogorvosi szemle, 2015 (108. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)
2015-03-01 / 1. szám
8 ----------------------------------------- FOGORVOSI SZEMLE 10. Lázár I, Bereczki HF, Manó S, Daróczi L, Deák G, Fábián I, et al: Synthesis and study of new functionalized silica aerogel poly(methyl methacrylate) composites for biomedical use. Polym Compos. 2014; megjelenés alatt, DÓI 10.1002/pc.22949. 11. Maleki H, Duräes L, Portugal A: An overview on silica aerogels synthesis and different mechanical reinforcing strategies. J Non- Cryst Solids. 2014; 385: 55-74. 12. Manó S, Ferencz G, Lázár I, Fábián I, Csernátony Z: A Slooff-technika nanokompozit csontpótló anyaggal történő alkalmazhatóságának meghatározása biomechanikai vizsgálatokkal. Biomech Hung. 2013; 6: 64-72. 13. Sóleimani Dorcheh A, Abbasi MH: Silica aerogel; synthesis, properties and characterization. J Mater Process Technoi. 2008; 199: 10-26. ■ 108. évf. 1.SZ. 2015. 14. Szabó BA, Kiss L, Manó S, Jónás Z, Lázár I, Fábián I, et al: Szuperkritikus körülmények között előállított csontpótló aerogél kompozitok vizsgálata állatkísérleti modelleken. Biomech Hung. 2013; 6: 52-63. 15. Ulker Z, Erkey C: An emerging platform for drug delivery: Aerogel based systems. J Controlled Release. 2014; 177: 51-63. 16. Veres P: Aerogél hibridek előállítása és vizsgálata, M.Sc. diplomamunka. Debreceni Egyetem, Szervetlen és Analitikai Kémiai Tanszék; 2014. 17. Veronovski A, Knez Z, Novak Z: Preparation of multi-membrane alginate aerogels used for drug delivery. J Supererit Fluids. 2013; 79: 209-215. 18. Wang M: Developing bioactive composite materials for tissue replacement. Biomaterials 2003; 24: 2133-2151. Lázár I, Kuttor A, Győri E, Veres P, Fábián I, Manó S, FIegedüs Cs Preparation and characteristics of aerogel-based bioactive materials used in dentistry A variety of bioactive materials have been investigated as substitute materials for diseased or damaged bone tissues in dentistry. The aim of this study was to prepare mesoporous silica containing biomaterials by sol-gel technology. These materials may be combinated with hydroxyapatite and ß-tricalcium phosphate, as bioactive agents. The synthesis and testing of important physical parameters were performed.. Based on these measurements, the silica aerogel can be an applicable material in the dental field in the future. Keywords: aerogel, silicon-dioxide, bioceramics, bone grafting