Fogorvosi szemle, 2014 (107. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

2014-03-01 / 1. szám

33 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 107. évf. 1. sz. 2014. Irodalom 1. Andreasen JO, Andreasen FM, Andersson L: Textbook and color atlas of traumatic injuries to the teeth. 4th ed. Oxford, Blackwell, 2007; 217-254. 2. Carlson ER: Maxillofacial Pathology: Odontogenic Cysts and Tu­mors. In: Miloro M (ed.): Peterson's Principles of Oral & Maxillofa­cial Surgery. 2nd ed. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 2004; 575-596. 3. Chiu WK, Sham AS, Hung JN: Spontaneous alignment of per­manent successors after enucleation of odontogenic cysts as­sociated with primary teeth. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008; 46: 42-45. 4. Christiansen R, Kirkevang LL, Gotfredsen E, Wenzel A: Periapical radiography and cone beam computed tomography for assess­ment of the periapical bone defect 1 week and 12 months af­ter root-end resection. Dentomaxillofac Radiol2009; 38: 531- 536. 5. Delantoni A, Papademitriou P: An unusually large asymptomatic periapical lesion that presented as a random finding on a pano­ramic radiograph. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology 2007; 104: 62-65. 6. EstrelaC, Figueiredo JAP: Endodontics: biological and mechanical principles. Artes Médicas, Sâo Paulo, 2001; 193-245. 7. Gerhards F, Kuffner HD, Wagner W: Pathological fractures of the mandible. A review of the etiology and treatment. Int J Oral Maxil­lofac Surg. 1998; 27: 186-90. 8. Hamdan MAM, Rajab LD: Traumatic injuries to permanent anterior teeth among 12-year-old schoolchildren in Jordan. Community Den­tal Health 2003; 20: 89-93. 9. Iso-Kungas P, Törnwall J, Suominen AL, Lindqvist C, Thorén H: Dental injuries in pediatric patients with facial fractures are frequent and severe. Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012; 70: 396-400. 10. Nair PN: New perspectives on radicular cysts: do they heal? Int EndodJ 1998; 31:155-160. 11. Natkin E, Oswald RJ, Carnes LI: The relationship of lesion size to diagnosis, incidence, and treatment of periapical cysts and granulomas. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1984; 57: 82-93. 12. Nunez-Urrutia S, Figueiredo R, Gay-Escoda C: Retrospective clin­­icopathological study of 418 odontogenic cysts. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2010; 15: 767-773. 13. Ochsenius G, Escobar E, Godoy L, Penafiel C: Odontogenic cysts: analysis of 2,944 cases in Chile. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2007; 12: 85-91. 14. Oztan MD: Endodontic treatment of teeth associated with a large periapical lesion. Int Endod J 2002; 35: 73-78. 15. Patel S, Wilson R, Dawood A, Foschi F, Mannocci F: The detec­tion of periapical pathosis using digital periapical radiography and cone beam computed tomography - part 2: a 1 -year post-treatment follow-up. Int Endod J 2012; 45: 711-723. 16. Selvamani M, Donoghue M, Basandi PS: Analysis of 153 cases of odontogenic cysts in South Indian sample population: a retrospec­tive study over a decade. Braz Oral Res 2012; 26: 330-334. 17. Song M, Kim HC, Lee W, Kim E: Analysis of the cause of failure in nonsurgical endodontic treatment by microscopic inspection during endodontic microsurgery. J Endod2011; 37: 1516-1519. 18. Sundqvist G: Bacteriological studies of necrotic dental pulps. Umea University, Umea, Sweden, 1976; [odontological disser­tations no. 7] 19. Szabó Gy (szerk.): Szájsebészet, maxillofacialis sebészet. Sem­melweis Kiadó, Budapest, 2004; 69-84. 20. Szakáll Sz (szerk.): Fogorvosipathológia fogorvostan-hallgatóknak. Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, 2010; 15-16., 27-29. 21. Valois CR, Costa-Júnior ED: Periapical cyst repair after nonsurgi­cal endodontic therapy-case report. Braz Dent J 2005; 16: 254-258. Demeter A, Bogdán S, Tóth Zs, Nemes J Complex treatment of a large radicular cyst due to traumatic dental injury - A case report -A 28-year-old male came to the clinic for control visit and scaling. Panoramic radiograph was taken before any treatment. The radiograph revealed a large size periapical lesion extending from the lower right first premolar to the lower left canine. History of dental trauma in childhood was recorded. The asymptomatic, injured teeth were not treated by dentist. Upon clinical examination a discolored lower right central incisor and more teeth with pulpal necrosis were found. After the en­dodontic treatments a cystostomy was performed. Obturator was used by the patient in the healing period. The success of complex treatment is proven by the highly recovered bone forming shown during the regular recalls. For the correct diagnosis and planning of the complete treatment dentist should be careful on general- and dental an­amnesis and complete clinical and radiographic examination. Small clinical signs and pathoses should alert the dentist. This case is a reminder that the careful anamnesis, clinical examination and early diagnosis of any pathosis are very important. Key words: traumatic dental injury, radicular cyst, complex treatment, cystostomy, marsupialisation, obturator

