Fogorvosi szemle, 2011 (104. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

2011-03-01 / 1. szám

26 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 104. évf. 1. sz. 2011. surgery for the treatment of localized gingival recessions: a system­atic review. J Clin Periodontol 2002; 29: 178-194. 38. Baldi C, Pini Prato G, Pagliaro U: Coronally advanced flap pro­cedure for root coverage. Is flap thickness a relevant predictor to achieve root coverage? A 19-case series. J Periodontol 1999; 70: 1077-1084. 39. Daniel A, Cheru R: Treatment of localized gingival recession with subpedicle connective tissue graft and free gingival auto graft - a compapartive clinical evaluation. J Ind Dent Assoc 1990; 61: 294-297. Dr. Lukács L, Dr. Gera I: The Management of a Single Miller-1 type Gingival Recession at the Maxillar Incisor with Single Tunnel Technique Combined with Enamel Matrix Derivative and Connective Tissue Graft A Case Report Gingival recession defect in the dentition are routinely encountered in periodontal practice and presents a challenge for a periodontist. Mucogingival surgical procedures aim to restore both gingival function and aesthetics. Recently as the population is getting to be more concerned about aesthetics the aesthetical indications are more relevant. In the pre­sented case a coronally advanced flap prepared by single tunnel technique and combined with subepithelial connective tissue graft and enamel matrix derivatives (EMD) has been employed for root coverage in a Miller’s class I recession. The combined technique used resulted in approximately 100% root coverage in the treated site after 6 months. Treat­ment outcomes met the patient’s aesthetic demands and also eliminated her root sensitivity. Key words: Gingival recession, root coverage, periodontal plastic surgery, subepithelial connective tissue graft, hyper­sensitivity MEGHÍVÓ A Magyar Arc-, Állcsont- és Szájsebészeti Társaság a MAÁSZT XV. Kongresszusát és a Vili. Danubius Symposiumot 2011. augusztus 25-27 között tartja Debrecenben. A rendezvényre minden kedves érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk! A jelentkezéssel és a tudományos programmal kapcsolatos információkat a kongresszus honlapján közzétesszük. Dr. Piffkó József Dr. Redl Pál a MAÁSZT elnöke a szervezőbizottság elnöke A kongresszus honlapja elérhető: http://congress2011 .tk Érdeklődni lehet:

