Fogorvosi szemle, 2010 (103. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

2010-03-01 / 1. szám

9 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 103. évf. 1. sz. 2010. ciós területek, pontos kezelési sémák meghatározá­sa azonban még folyamatban van. Tanulmányunk azt mutatja, hogy az impaktált szemfogak kezelésekor, a fogmeder-nyúlványba behelyezett minicsavarok­kal végzett kezdeti fogelmozdítás és tengelykorrekció megfelelő megoldást nyújt a rögzített készülékkel vég­zett kezelés lerövidítésére, valamint a sikertelen ese­tekben elkerülhetővé teszi a fogszabályozó készülék felhelyezését. Bár problémák, mellékhatások ritkán előfordulhatnak, ezek súlyossága nem jelentős, és várható, hogy az eszközök, diagnosztikai módszerek és beavatkozások fejlődése következtében ezek szá­ma csökkenni fog. Irodalom 1. Asscherickx K, Vannet BV, Wehrbein H, Sabzevar MM: Root re­pair after injury from mini-screw. Clin Oral Implants Res 2005; 16: 575-578. 2. Becker A, Chaushu S: Success rate and duration of orthodontic treatment for adult patients with palatally impacted canines. 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Ericson S, Kurol J: Longitudinal study and analysis of clinical su­pervision of maxillary canine eruption. Community Dent Oral Epide­miol 1986a; 14: 172-176. 10. Grover PS, Lorton L: The incidence of unerupted permanent teeth and related clinical cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1985; 59: 420-425. 11. Harzer WD, Seifert D, Mahdi Y: Die kieferorthopadische einord­­nung retinierter eckzahne unter besonderer berucksichtigung des behandlungsalters, der angulation und der dynamischen Okklusion. Fortschr Kieferorthop 1994; 55: 47-53. 12. Kanomi R: Mini-implant for orthodontic anchorage. J Clin Orthod 1997; 31: 763-767. 13. Korbendau J-M, Patti A: Clinical success in surgical and orthodont­ic treatment of impacted teeth. Quintessence, Paris, 2006; 25-50. 14. Kramer RM, Williams AC: The incidence of impacted teeth. A sur­vey at Harlem Hospital. Oral Surg 1970; 29: 237-241. 15. Melsen B: Mini-Implants: Where are we? J Clin Orthod 2005; 39: 539-547. 16. Ohmae M, Saito S, Morohashi T, Seki K, QU H, Kanomi R és mtsai: A clinical and histological evaluation of titanium mini-implants as an­chors for orthodontic intrusion in the beagle dog. Am J Orthod Den­tofacial Orthop 2001; 119: 489-497. 17. Park H, Kwon O, Sung J: Micro-implant anchorage for forced eruption of impacted canines. J Clin Orthod 2004; 38: 297-302. 18. Poggio PM, Incorvati C, Velo S, Carano A: “Safe zones”: a guide for miniscrew positioning in the maxillary and mandibular arch. Angle Orthod 2006] 76: 191-197. 19. Prabhu J, Cousley RJ: Current products and practice: bone an­chorage devices in orthodontics J Odhod 2006; 33: 288-307. 20. Roberts WE, Kanomi R, Hohlt F: Miniature implants and retromo­­lar fixtures for orthodontic anchorage. In Bell, Guerrero (ed.): Dis­traction osteogenesis of the facial skeleton. BC Decker, Hamilton, Ontario, 2006; 205-214. 21. Rózsa N, Fábián G, Szádeczky B, Kaán M, Gábris K, Tarján I: Ret­­ineált felső maradó szemfogak előfordulási gyakorisága és a kezelés lehetőségei 11-18 éves orthodontiai betegeken. Fogorv Sz/e2003; 96: 65-69. 22. Stafne EC, Austin LT: Resorption of imbedded teeth. J Am Dent Assoc 1945; 32: 1003-1009. 23. Stewart JA, Heo G, Glover KE, Williamson PC, Lam EWN, Major PW: Factors that relate to treatment duration for patients with pala­tally impacted maxillary canines. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001; 119: 216-225. 24. Tiwana PS, Kushner GM: Management of impacted teeth in chil­dren. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 2005; 17: 365-373. 25. Yao CC, Lee JJ, Chen HK: Maxillary molar intrusion with fixed ap­pliances and mini-implant anchorage studied in three dimensions. Angle Orthod 2005; 75: 626-632. Dr. Kocsis A, Dr. Seres L, Dr. Kocsis-Savanya G, Dr. Kovács Á: Miniscrew anchorage for impacted maxillary canine management Impaction of maxillary canines is a frequently encountered clinical problem. Patients’ refusal to a long orthodontic treat­ment or ankylosis of the impacted tooth results in various treatment difficulties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible role of miniscrews in the management of impacted upper canines. In a series of 28 consecutive patients with a total of 31 impacted maxillary canines (12 men and 16 women aged from 14 to 63 years, mean 24 years), each im­pacted tooth was surgically exposed and an attachment was bonded. An intraosseous screw (1.5 mm in diameter and 8-10 mm long) with an endosseous body and intraoral neck section was inserted into the premolar-molar interradicular space. Following soft tissue healing, orthodontic traction was initiated. After correction of the angulation of the canine, the mini-screw was removed and traditional orthodontic therapy was completed. Twenty-seven canines were extruded successfully (87 %), the duration of the orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances was decreased. In the 3 cases that failed due to ankylosis, the skeletal anchorage spared the patients and the clinicans the disappointment of a long-term unsuccessful traditional orthodontic treatment. In one patient, the mini-screw was removed because of inflammation and pain before the beginning of the orthodontic traction. This study shows that mini screw anchorage should be taken into consideration when extrusion of an impacted canine is planned. Key words: skeletal anchorage, orthodontic mini screws, impacted canines, ankylosis

