Fogorvosi szemle, 2009 (102. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)
2009-02-01 / 1. szám
20 FOGORVOS! SZEMLE ■ 102. évf. 1. sz. 2009. Dr. Faragó I, Márton S, Dr. Túry F, Bagi I, Dr. Madléna M: Dietary, oral hygienic habits, dental surgeon attendance, and social background in police student’s population The aim of the study was to survey the dietary, oral hygienic habits, dental surgeon attendance and their relations with each other and social background in the Police School of Miskolc, Hungary. In this study, based on a questionnaire, 792 students [(mean age: 20.43±1.25ys (mean±S.D.)] participated. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows 10.0 statistical software. The daily consumption of sweets was 30.8%. There was no significant difference between educational level of father and freqency of consumption of sweets. The frequency of consumption of sweets significantly decreased with increasing the number of siblings (p<0.05). The daily consumption of soft drinks was 28.8%. In the examined population 10% of the students used dental floss, most of them (60.0%) cleaned their teeth twice a day. Frequency of tooth-cleaning was significantly increased paralel to increase the educational level of father (p<0.05). Dental surgeon attendence aimed check up was 28.4% beside the compulsory yearly visit. The ,,3-times-tooth-cleaning” students visited their dentists within last 12 months in significantly higher percent than those of without daily tooth-cleaning (p<0.05). There is a need to improve those factors which can affect oral health in the examined population. Key words: dietary habits, oral hygienie habits, dental visits, family background, graduated young adults, armed forces PÁLYÁZAT KÖRMÖCZI-PÁLYADÍJRA Felhívjuk minden, a Fogorvosi Szemlében publikáló, 35 évnél fiatalabb első szerzés cikk szerzőit, hogy pályázzanak a 2008-as Körmöczi-pályadíjra. Pályázni csak a 2008-ban a Fogorvosi Szemlében megjelent közleményekkel lehet. Kérjük, a közlemény különlenyomatának egy példányát mellékelni a pályázathoz. A pályázat beadási határideje: 2009. július 15. A pályázatokat, kérem, postán juttassák el a címemre. Dr. Gera István MFE főtitkár SE Parodontológiai Klinika 1088. Budapest, Szentkirályi utca 47.