Fogorvosi szemle, 2008 (101. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2008-02-01 / 1. szám

18 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 101. évf. 1. sz. 2008. Irodalom 1. Ari-Demirkaya A, Al Masry M, Erverdi N: Apical root resorption of maxillary first molars after intrusion with zygomatic skeletal anchor­age. Angle Orthod 2005; 75: 761-767. 2. Bailey Lj, Haltiwanger Lh, Blakey Gh, Proffit Wr: Who seeks sur­gical-orthodontic treatment: A current review. Int J Adult Orthod Or­­thogn Surg 2001; 16:280-292. 3. Bell Wh, Proffit Wr, White Rp: Surgical correction of dentofacial deformities. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1980; 1058-1209. 4. Bőgi I, Buday M: A nyitottharapás és kezelési lehetőségei. Fogorv Szle 1991; 84: 65-69. 5. Costa A, Raffini, Melsen B: Miniscrews as orthodontic anchorage: a preliminary report. Int J Adult Orthod Orthognath Surg 1998; 13: 201-209. 6. Daimaruya T, Nagasaka H, Umemori M: The influences of molar in­trusion on the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle and root using the skeletal anchorage system in dogs. Angle Orthod 2001 ;71:60- 70. 7. 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Seres L, Kocsis A: Open-bite closure by intruding maxillary mo­lars with skeletal anchorage. In: Bell, Guerrero (ed.): Distraction Os­teogenesis of the Facial Skeleton. BC Decker, Hamilton, Ontario, USA. 2006; 215-220. 20. Sherwood KH, Burch JG, Thompson WJ: Closing anterior open bites by intruding molars with titanium miniplate. Am J Orthod Dento­facial Orthop 2002; 122: 506-511. 21. Sherwood KH, Burch JG, Thompson WJ: Intrusion of supererupt­­ed molars with titanium miniplate anchorage. Angle Orthod 2003; 73: 597-601. 22. Sugawara J, Baik UB, Umemori M, Takahashi I, Nagasaka H, Kawa­­mura M és mtsai: Treatment and posttreatment dentoalveolar chang­es following intrusion of mandibular molars with application of a skel­etal anchorage system (SAS) for open bite correction. Int J Adult Orthod Orthognath Surg 2002; 17; 243-253. 23. Umemori M, Sugawara J, Mitani H, Nagasaka H, Kawamura H: Skel­etal anchorage system for open-bite correction. Am J Orthod Dento­facial Orthop 1999; 115:166-174. 24. Yao CC, Lee JJ, Chen HJ: Maxillary molar intrusion with fixed ap­pliances and mini-implant anchorage studied in three dimensions. Angle Orthod 2005; 75: 626-632. Dr. Seres L, Dr. Kocsis A: Open-bite closure by intruding maxillary molars with skeletal anchorage Most anterior open bite cases are characterized by the excessive vertical development of the posterior maxilla. Intrusion of the overerupted molar teeth with traditional orthodontic methods is hardly possible; therefore, there is no real alterna­tive to a combined orthodontic and surgical approach. Skeletal anchorage has recently been offered for the orthodon­tic movement of teeth. Titanium miniplates implanted in the zygomatic buttress area can serve as absolute anchorage for maxillary molar intrusion. The aim of this study was to evaluate skeletal anchorage for closing open-bite malocclu­sions. Seven patients with severe anterior open-bites were selected. In all cases the deformity was due to the overerup­tion of the maxillary molars. Titanium miniplates were inserted bilaterally in the zygomatic buttress region. Fixation was performed with 3 miniscrews. Elastic bands or coil springs were used to reduce excessive maxillary molar heights. The mean active treatment time was 6 months. In all cases the anterior open-bite significantly improved. No side-effects were observed. Our results suggest that skeletal anchor plates offer successful treatment for closing skeletal anterior open bites. Key words: skeletal anchorage, titanium miniplates, skeletal open-bite, intrusion of molar teeth

