Fogorvosi szemle, 2007 (100. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)
2007-02-01 / 1. szám
AZ MFE FOGPÓTLÁSTANI TÁRSASÁGA XVI., A MAGYAR FOGORVOSOK IMPLANTOLÓGIA! TÁRSASÁGA VI., A MAGYAR PARODONTOLÓGIAI TÁRSASÁG XIV. KONGRESSZUSÁN ELHANGZOTT ELŐADÁSAINAK ABSZTRAKTJAI 2005. október 13-15. Sopron 4 Bán Á, Gömöri É, Pintér E: Modulatory role of capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerve fibres in patomechanism of oral lichenoid reactions..................................................................................................................60 Bandula M, Szabó T, Monoki E, Vajdovich I: The role of dual-slice spiral cut in implantological planning.........60 Baráth Z, Radnai M: Assessing the solubility of dental cements.........................................................................................61 Benke B, Szabó Gy, Marada Gy: The effect of reinforcement of complete dentures with glass fibers.................61 Borbély J, Fejérdy P, Ackermann G, Szilvási I, Dobó-Nagy Cs: Value of bone scintigraphy in early detectability of root canal treatment failures..........................................................................................................61 Borsos G, Végh A: Comparison through randomised clinical trial of palatal implant and conventional anchorage systems in adolescents during orthodontic canine retraction............................................................62 Bőgi I: Surgical alternatives for dental implantation in advanced atrophy of alveolar process.................................62 Bőgi K, Danyi K, Vályi P, Halász J, Schaff Zs, Fazekas A: Expression of the tight-junction associated claudins in normal human gingiva................................................................................................................62 Budai Zs: Comparison of the therapeutic effects of radio and electric surgery devices.............................................63 Czinkóczky B, Hermann P, Gerle J: Local antibiotics in the field of dental implantology...........................................63 Dőri F, Barna Zs, Huszár T, Fűzi M, Gera I, Sculean A: Bacterial contamination of e-ptfe membranes used in treatment of deep intra-bony periodontal defects with nbm and prp ....................................................64 Ecsédy M, Kivovics P: The complex treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction with prosthetic methods.............................................................................................................................................................64 Faluhelyi P, Jáhn M, Nemes K, Kulcsár E, Fejérdy P: Relation between the tmj and the dental status based on a cross section study..........................................................................................................65 Fazekas A, Turzó K, Pelsőczi K, Radnai M, Bereznai M, Tóth Zs, Szekeres M, Gergely Cs, Cuisinier IF: Investigation of the effect of surface modifications on the biointegration of alloplastic materials.............65 Fábián TK, Sőti Cs, Fejérdy P: Low induction value pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation. A minimal-invasive possibility in the treatment of several idiopathic symptoms of denture intolerance......................................................................................................................................................................66 Fejérdy L, Kalocsai K, Hermann P, Tollas Ö, Fejérdy P: Monitoring trends in fixed partial denture designs based on a national survey......................................................................................................................................66 Fejérdy P, Nemes K, Kalocsai K, Borbély J, Madléna M: Partially edentulous arches, partial denture designs - monitoring changes between 1986 and 2004...............................................................66 Gábris K, Szende B, Orosz M: New data to clinico-pathology of pregnancy epulis.......................................................67 Gáspár J, Borbás L, Patonay L, Thamm F, Hermann P, Lunczer J, Bojtár I, Fejérdy P: The biomechanical examination of mandible deformation...........................................................................................67 Gera I, Tihanyi D, Rosta P: Surgical correction of hereditary gingival fibromatosis - case series..........................68 Gorzó I: From simple gingivitis to systemic diseases................................................................................................................68 Gyulai Gaál Sz, Kádár B, Németh B: Traumatises upper front teeth, treatment possibilities.....................................68 Hajdú Z, Róth L, Hermann P, Gerle J: Prosthetic importance of wax-added technique..............................................69 Hajdú Z, Róth L, Hermann P, Gerle J: Periodontal aspects of making a working cast.................................................69 Horváth A, Gera I: Combined treatment with guided tissue regeneration and connective tissue graft of a periodontal necrosis after ret with „radiosurgery” - a case report.........69 Joób-Fancsaly Á, Divinyi T, Huszár T, Karacs A, Pető G: Surface characteristics of dental implants surface-treated with laser.........................................................................................................................................................70 Kapás Zs, Benedek M, Benedek G: Aspects of individual completion of implant abutments.................................70 Károlyházy K, Faluhelyi P, Kivovics P, Arányi Zs, Fejérdy P: Periodontal health and oral hygiene of patients with epilepsy: and epidemiological study..........................................................................................................71 Keglevich T, Windisch P, Horváth A, Gera I: Evaluation of the clinical results of the surgical correction of gingival recession - 4 years results..........................................................................................................71 Kiss E, Gáli I, Galiné Bődi A: Experience of the preparation of large segmenting bridges with non-rigid connectors in perio-prosthodontics - a case report....................................................................................................71 Kiss P, Kiss G, Hermann P, Ducza G, Jáhn M, Borbély J, Gerle J: 3d-ultrasonic navigator for programming fully adjustable articulator.............................................................................................................................72