Fogorvosi szemle, 2006 (99. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2006-02-01 / 1. szám

FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 99. évf. 1. sz. 2006. 33 Dr Marada Gy, Dr Szabó Gy: Clinical Evaluation of Digital Imaging The rapid progression of digital radiography makes us consider its role in different fields of dentistry. The aim of the pres­ent survey was to evaluate the advantages of digital imaging over the use of radiographic films in the diagnosis and ther­apy of common oral pathologic conditions. The underlying hypothesis was that RadioVisiograph (RVG, Trophy Radiology, Marne-la-Vallée, France) -provided that there is access to this digital network- is easily available. Thus it can provide options for specialists of different dental fields to obtain more detailed information in order to make better decisions. Immediately after the installation of the new system and then, ten months later we analysed the results of digital imag­es and radiographic films in outpatients of different sections at our clinic. The quality of both diagnostic procedures was evaluated using a questionnaire. Digital imaging was used mainly by specialists of endodontics, followed by restaurative and prosthetic dentistry in setting up the diagnosis. The application of this new technique in parodontology and paediatric dentistry was negligable. How­ever, it is worth mentioning that the majority of dentists participating in the survey thought that conventional radiograph­ic films gave more detailed imaging than the digital technology. To sum it up, currently, digital imaging systems may represent an efficient device in diagnostic and therapeutic proce­dures. Never the less owing to the technical sensitivity of the above systems, traditional radiographic techniques should also be used as an option due to their advantages. Key words: digital imaging, diagnostic procedures, clinical utilization

