Fogorvosi szemle, 2005 (98. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2005-04-01 / 2. szám

66 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 98. évf. 2. sz. 2005. COST Founded in 1971, COST is an intergovernmental frame­work for European Co-operation in the field of Scien­tific and Technical Research, allowing the co-ordina­tion of nationally funded research on a European level. COST has developed into one of the largest frameworks for research co-operation in Europe and is a valuable mechanism co-ordinating national research activities in Europe. Today it has almost 200 Actions and involves nearly 30,000 scientists from 34 European member countries and more than 80 participating institutions from 11 non-member countries and Non Governmen­tal Organisations. Scientific domains of the COST COST covers a wide range of scientific and technologi­cal domains. The present 15 domains and their share of running actions in 2003 are shown below. Medicine and Health domain Action B23 Oral facial development and regeneration The B23 Action is based on the strong scientific back­ground resulting from the last Action B8 (Odontogene­sis) launched by Prof. JV. Ruch 1996. The Action B23 is a unique network gathering 19 European countries and 3 non COST institutions from Canada. The primary objective of the Action B23 is to accelerate and increase the understanding of dental and oral-facial biology by elucidating the molecular basis of normal and abnormal development as well as tissue regeneration and allowing development of novel clinical approaches. One of its highest specificities is to facilitate communi­cation between scientists and clinicians, via forming dif­ferent working groups (WGs) centred on development and evolution (WG1), stem cells and hard tissue forma­tion (WG2) genetic anomalies (WG3), tissue regenera­tion and application to clinic (WG4). The first joint meeting (WG1 and WG2) was held in Ghent under the chair of Ann Huysseune. During this summer at York, the 8th Tooth morphogenesis and Differ­entiation Conference organised by Paul Sharpe and Prof. Smith was outstanding, generating interesting exchange of state of the art knowledge representing the real back­bone of the Action B23. 2nd joint meeting of WG2 and WG4 of COST B23 The meeting was held at the University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary from 28th of October until 31st of October 2004. To organize and host this international meeting at the first time at Hungary has been an excit­ing challenge for all the members of the Dental Anato­my Subdepartment of the Dental Faculty, Medical and Health Science Centre, University of Debrecen. 41 lectures were given by international recognized leading scientist (please find the photos at the next page) enhanced the understanding of dental and orofa­cial biology by elucidating the molecular basis of normal and abnormal development as well as periodontal tissue regeneration and stem cell research. As a total number of the meeting 60 researchers attend to our WG meeting to present their results and discuss topics in friendly milieu. To enhance the scientific value of our meeting we invited two key note speakers: Antonio Nanci (Canada) and Ari­­anne Rochat (Swiss) to share their knowledge and two morning session opened with an outstanding overview corresponding to the topics of our WG 2 and 4 meeting (Stem cells and Hard Tissue Formation /WG 2/, Tissue Regeneration, Bioengineering and Clinical Application /WG4/). At Friday afternoon session organizer invited outfield scientist to introduce new, novel methodologies. We think that these arrangements contributed to the high scientific level that we believe, has been reached by this Working Group Meeting of the COSTB23 program. The conference served not only as a fruitful scien­tific meeting and get-together with lively exchange of ideas and remarkable scientific enrichment, but one of the highest specificity of this conference was to set up a unique, multidisciplinary network of Hungarian basic scientists and clinicians and also incorporate them into the core of European scientific network. Furthermore we hope, that the fascinating atmosphere of our university and our heritage with its rich history offered a friendly wel­come and genuine hospitality, continuing the successful series of conferences supported by the COST program. As the chairman of the local organizer team I would like to extend my deepest thanks to the coworkers of the on site team for their skillful effort in ensuring that this WG meeting was to everyone’s satisfaction. Szabolcs Felszeghy Scientific Organising Committee Prof. Kaj FRIED (Sweden) Ass. Prof. Dr. A. L. J.J. BRONCKERS (The Netherlands) Prof. Anthony SMITH (United Kingdom) Prof. Michel GOLDBERG (France) Local Organiser Ass. Prof. Szabolcs FELSZEGHY (Hungary, Debrecen) COST Chairman COST Office Prof. Henry MAGLOIRE Prof. Mihail PASCU (France) (Brussels) Venue Medical Faculty Dental Faculty Medical and Health Medical and Health Science Centre Science Centre University of Debrecen University of Debrecen

