Fogorvosi szemle, 2004 (97. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)
2004-02-01 / 1. szám
52 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 97. évf. 1. sz. 2004. State. Possessing these facts we are trying to find out the cause of delay, meanwhile searching for the ways of prevention. Based on the data we can conclude that the increasing tendency have not reached an end yet. The prevention work is not successful enough, the filtering is not acknowledged, will not shown in the number of the points, and is not provided in every praxis. It would be purposeful to widen the filtered population, because the most endangered people simply will not see the doctor. To decrease the number of the tumors it is desirable to explore more thoroughly the risk factors (smoking, alcohol). To fight back these factors it is necessary to have an overall national healthcare strategy, and this the dentists can not undertake alone. In our lecture we detail our thoughts of fight back the riskfactors, shape the convenient forms of behaviour, this way eliminating the troublesome effects the tumor numbers would decrease. OUR CLINICAL EXPERIENCES IN RELATION WITH EROSION L. KÓKAI Erzsébet, KOCSIS S. G. Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, University of Szeged, Szeged, Flungary As far as the number of carious teeth decreases due to caries prevention, the number of erosive lesions is more frequent both in deciduous and permanent teeth. Patients with erosive lesions at different age are present on our lecture. According to international studies the prevalence of erosion is 20-50%, which is strengthened by our clinical examinations. Beside the importance of instructions, ceasing the causes early (neurological, internal consultation) is as essential as the usage of alkaline lavage and nonabrasive toothpaste, flouridation, composite and compomer fillings and the application of ceramic shell. GERD IN GENERAL PRACTICE MAGYAR Anna M.ANNA Bt. General Practice, Budapest, Hungary Reflux disease with classic esophageal symptoms is easy to diagnose in general practice. At the same time physicians are frequently misled by atypical GERD, presenting with extra-esophageal symptoms. Furthermore in most cases of extraesophageal symptoms heartburn is completely lacking. In general practice diagnosis is based mostly on correct case history. The majority of patients with GERD presents with non-erosive reflux disease (NERD). Erosive and non-erosive reflux disease as well as Barrett esophagus are regarded as individual diseases. However, therapy is based on strong suppression of acid secretion in both cases. Dentists discovering dental erosions have to refer the patient to the family doctor to control GERD. Family doctors, too, have to examine the teeth of patients with GERD, and if they find erosive lesions, they have to refer them to the dentist. COLLABORATION OF FAMILY DOCTORS AND DENTISTS IN DIMINISHING RISK MAGYAR Anna M.ANNA Bt. General Practice, Budapest, Hungary The collaboration between family doctors and dentists is complex: 1. GPs must have an important role in the prevention of dental disorders caused by systemic diseases. 2. GPs must control illnesses caused by dental disorders, and seek dental foci as the possible reasons of certain diseases. 3. The closest cooperation between GPs and dentists is required in prevention of harmful consequences of dental interventions. In the presentation the need of close collaboration between GPs and dentists is discussed through case reports. SZISZTÉMÁS AUTOIMMUN BETEGSÉGEK MINT RIZIKÓFAKTOROK MÁRTON Krisztina, FEJÉRDY Pál, MADLÉNA Melinda, NAGY Gábor1 Semmelweis Egyetem, Fogorvostudományi Kar, Fogpótlástani Klinika, 1Orálbiológia Tanszék, Budapest Immunológiai kórképek gyakran okoznak a maxillofaciális régiót és a rágószervet érintő tüneteket. Egyik leggyakoribb tünet a szájszárazság, amely általában nyálmirigy hipofunkció következménye. Ez a tünet a szubjektív kellemetlenségen túl egyéb, objektív szájüregi elváltozásokat is indukál, amelyek jelenléte szinte minden autoimmun betegségben tapasztalható. Ennek nyomán jellemzőek a nyálkahártya elváltozásai, amik fekélyekben, petechiákban,teleangiectasiákban, lichenoid reakciók formájában manifesztálódhatnak. Fokozott a cariesre és a parodontitisre való hajlam. Az ízületi elváltozásokat is okozó betegségekben nem ritka a temporomandibuláris ízület érintettsége, amely azonban szájnyitási korlátozottságot csak ritkán okoz, viszont jellemző a szájüregi és periorális szövetek fibrózisát eredményező scleroderma esetén. Rágási és nyelési nehézséget nemcsak a xerostomia okozhat, hanem a rágóizmok, illetve a garatizmok gyengesége is - ennek tipikus példájával találkozunk az idiopatikus inflammatórikus myopáthiák esetén. Mind a fibrózist, mind az izomgyengeséget okozó betegségcsoportokban számolni kell a kéz funkcióinak károsodásával, ami nehézséget jelenthet a kivehető fogpótlások applikálásában és azok tisztításában. A szisztémás autoimmun