Fogorvosi szemle, 2002 (95. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2002-08-01 / 4. szám

FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 95. évf. 4. sz. 2002. 147 24. SCULEAN A, DONOS N, CHIANTELLA GC, WlNDISCH P, REICH E, Brecx M: Treatment of intrabony defects with bioabsorbable mem­branes. A clinical and histologie study. Int J Periodontol Rest Dent 1999; 19: 501-509. 25. STAHL SS, FROUM S, TARNOW D: Human histologie responses to guided tissue regenerative techniques in intrabony lesions. Case reports on 9 sites. J Clin Periodontol 1990; 17:191-198. 26. Szűcs A, Suba Zs, Martonffy K, Hrabák k, Gyulai-Gaál Sz, Dóri F, Szabó Gy: A B-Tricalcium-foszfát (CERASORB) jelen­tősége a preprotetikai sebészetben. Fogorv Szie 2000; 93: 45-52. 27. Tonetti MS, Pini-Prato G, Williams RC, Cortelini P: Perio­dontal regeneration of human intrabony defects. III. Diagnostic strategies to detect bone gain J Periodontol 1993; 64:269-277. 28. Wenz B, Oesch O, Horst M: Analysis of the risk of transmitting bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy through bone grafts derived from bovine bone. Biomaterials 2001; 22: 1599-1606. 29. Wetzel AC, Stich H, Ceffesse RG: Bone apposition onto oral implants in the sinus area filled with different grafting materials A histological study in beagle dogs. Clinical Oral Implants Research 1995; 6:155-163. Dr Gera I, Dr Dőri F, Dr Keglevich T, Dr Sculean A, Dr Szilágyi E, Dr Windisch P: Clinical evaluation of ß tri-calcium phosphate (Cerasorb®) as a bone replacement graft material in human periodontal osseous defects. Various bone replacement graft materials have been used in attempting to restore periodontal bone structure lost as a result of periodontal inflammation. The pure ß-tricalcium phosphate has been successfully used in oral surgery for re­placing lost bone but the periodontal data available are very limited. The major objective of the present clinical trial is to evaluate the regenerative-reparative potential of ß-tricalcium phosphate (CERASORB®) in the treatment of two­­three-wall vertical periodontal bony defect. 21 patients with advanced intrabony defects were selected for this study. Parameters used for assessment: Bleeding on probing, Clinical Probing Depths (CPD), Clinical Attachment Loss (CAL), Clinical Gingival Recession (CGR) and Radiological evaluation on standardized periapical radiographs. Following local anesthesia, intracrevicular incisions is placed and a full thickness mucoperiosteal flap is raised vestibularly and lingually. The granulation tissue was com­pletely removed from the defects and the roots were thoroughly scaled and planed using hand and ultrasonic instru­ments. Osseous recontouring was not performed. Following defect debridement, the CERASORB® bone-grafting ma­terial was carefully applied and gently condensed in the bone crater then the flaps were repositioned in a coronal po­sition and closed with vertical or horizontal mattress sutures. Six months after surgery CPD, CAL and CGR parame­ters were also measured and compared to baseline data. Bone defects treated with ß-TCP bone grafting materials showed a great variation in healing tendency. The best radiological results (bone fill) were obtained in three wall de­fects. Even using the most thorough suturing technique substantial part of the bone grafting material was lost during the first post-surgical week. If no sequestration occured substantial bone fill and clinical attachment gain occurred especially in the three wall defects one year after grafting. The use of biological barrier membranes are recommended. Key words: bony defects, ß-tricalcium phosphate, bone fill, attachment gain

